Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals He Had Scheduled Meetings With Obama Admin Official, CIA Chief – IOTW Report

Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals He Had Scheduled Meetings With Obama Admin Official, CIA Chief

RTM: Jeffrey Epstein’s newly-revealed private calendar showed scheduled meetings with the current CIA director, a college president and attorney who served in the Obama administration, according to a report published Sunday.

New documents, which belonged to the rich convicted pedophile and were obtained by The Wall Street Journal, showed planned meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.

All the scheduled meetings were slated to take place after Epstein was jailed in 2008 on charges of solicitation, including soliciting a minor. WSJ could not prove each scheduled meeting actually took place, and the documents did not reveal the purpose for the meetings. MORE

8 Comments on Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals He Had Scheduled Meetings With Obama Admin Official, CIA Chief

  1. Did you about the nancy pelosi san fransico pre-school kindergarden teacher dumping a body in the woods off the highway and byways, not much is being said.

  2. Epstein was CIA/Mossad. With his world wide access as sex broker to the perverts of every nation he was to good asset to pass up.

    He was untouchable for decades but once he became a liability to the cabal they deep sixed him under the oh so watchful eye of the cabal owned DOJ.


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