Equal, Not the Same: Identity Politics Is Toxic to Our Republic – IOTW Report

Equal, Not the Same: Identity Politics Is Toxic to Our Republic


I had an engineering professor in college who once horrified an entire class with a single word. A student asked him if he believed women and men were equal.

“No,” he replied. Eyes widened. Jaws dropped. Gasps could be heard in the next county. He explained.

“What does it mean to be equal?  Women and men are clearly not the same. Men are – on average – taller, heavier, and stronger.  Women can, on average, withstand pain longer than men. Men have more natural tendencies to focus on one thing while women more naturally multitask.”

He went on to reference some very fascinating statistics about the statistical differences between men and women in everything from alcoholism to depression, and performance in math and verbal tests.  I remember one statistic in particular… that boys were nearly ten times more likely to be diagnosed as ADD or dyslexic. I remember because of my own experience with ADD. He ended with, “does that sounds equal to you?”

Leave it to an engineer to give a scientific answer to a political question. more here

h/t PHenry

16 Comments on Equal, Not the Same: Identity Politics Is Toxic to Our Republic

  1. Reality, Standards, Common Sense and 2+2=4 are no longer needed.
    Common Core teaches that!
    How ya gonna create chaos unless you first confuse the shit out of the younger generation!

  2. Good answer by that professor.

    My answer?

    “No, they are not equal, BUT they have been given the same Liberty, by God via a document called the DoI and the Constitution”.

  3. Don’t you know that new terrorism laws will only be used to go after conservatives?

    can’t go after the bruthas or the muzzies or any of them folks. But it will be a fantastic new way to go after ‘white nationalists’

    you do know that if you are for lower taxes you are a white supremecist, right?

    and you do know that if you are against quotas you are a white supremecist, right?

    i could go on and on.

  4. Equal schmeequal. I’m still adding up the damage
    women as a group have done to the culture since
    they were given the right to vote.
    Right now it’s snowballing into a very dangerous avalanche.

  5. Many foreign women haven’t been corrupted by the idea that men and women are equal. they don’t want to be like men, in fact they want men to be men so they don’t have to be. They want to be women. They can’t stand feminized men.

  6. Radioationman (Not RadioMatt?)

    Best advice so far! ‘Cause if it wasn’t about equality and justice it would be about something else, wouldn’t it? It’s always something.

  7. Identity Politics is toxic to our country, for so many obvious reasons. Our Republic was designed for a melting pot, not various tribes warring against each other all the time. Hmmm. What does that remind us of? Interesting how ME refugees and other ME migrants want to be segregated, not learn English, keep to their neighborhoods and keep others out. Just like home to them, huh?

  8. Anonymous is correct: Equal “IN WHAT RESPECT”?

    Maybe we can stop falling for the linguistic nonsense. Two halves are equal to a whole but they are not the “same”. In fact, no one is “the same” because everyone is an individual.

    That does not mean that there are not “average” differences as well as “Bell Curve” differences between “groups”. It’s valid to ask: are we talking about groups or are we talking about individuals. It’s also valid to ask whether it’s reasonable to make assessments about individuals based on the group they are grouped into, and the (ultimately arbitrary) delineation of who falls into what group — or not. (E.g. I would say “reasonable” in the case of military combat or sports competition. But there are very few things I would find reasonable to discriminate based on groupism.)

    Are 8 oz. of milk “equal” to 8 oz. of orange juice? Depends. “Equal” in what respect.

    As long as we are careful about “averages”. And groups. And what criteria we are using to put individuals into this or that “group”.

    The average person in the U.S. has one testicle.

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