Erick Erickson Disinvites Trump To His RedState Soiree and Invites Megyn Kelly In His Place – IOTW Report

Erick Erickson Disinvites Trump To His RedState Soiree and Invites Megyn Kelly In His Place

Erickson says the reason he disinvited Trump to his event was because Trump crossed the line of decency when he said on CNN that “Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her eyes, or her wherever,” making a reference to her possibly being hormonal.

So, what does the seemingly hormonal Erickson do? He doesn’t just request that Trump not attend, he bitchily invites Kelly in his stead. This seems petty and unnecessary, particularly when Megyn Kelly has discussed c*ck and t*ts and 3rd trimester sex on The Howard Stern show. Does that not cross Erick Erickson’s line of decency?

Henry Drummond: Madam, you may vote but at a price. You lose the right to retreat behind the powder puff or your petticoat.

Inherit the Wind 1960  –Da Tech Guy Blog

Hat Tip/ MM


59 Comments on Erick Erickson Disinvites Trump To His RedState Soiree and Invites Megyn Kelly In His Place

  1. Good that Erick is finally giving EVERYONE a clear reason to tell Ericksson to F*CK OFF.

    He’s just buying into the Identity Politics of the Left. Hillary, Fauxcahontas and the rest THANK him for legitimizing the P.C. mentality.

    Not that I’m *wild* about Trump, but this helps NO ONE BUT THE LEFT.

  2. Interesting, the so-called political smarts have once again been caught off guard!. First by the righteous and deafening uproar by American citizens over criminal immigration and now by what will be a huge reaction and backlash to the curse of the ‘detested’ “Political Correctness”.

  3. And there was absolutely no pressure from the GOP to smear Trump.
    After Kelly’s interview with Howard Stern goes viral she will be seen for the worthless hypocrite she is.

  4. Let me say that, despite the fact that I thought Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace’s obsession with taking Trump out was an enormous disservice to the other candidates on the stage, I think Trump not letting go of it makes him look equally petty and obsessed. Yes, we want a fighter. But how much of a fighter are you when you are so thin-skinned you can’t stop sniping at the people who offended you? The sarcastic digs, the need to get in the last word. I call that acting like Obama.

    We have a nation to save. We have a Republic to restore. This kind of silly sniping while Rome burns is losing sight of the big picture.

    Enough. For God’s sake enough.

    If Erick Erickson thinks this makes him look like a serious conservative who has the nation’s best interests in mind, he is sadly mistaken.

    Erick: I’m sorry your response to a thin-skinned baby is to become a thin-skinned baby.

    Meanwhile, Obama is selling this country out. He is destroying our nation, our economy, our borders and our national security.

    But we have to ignore that because Megyn was a bad debate moderator and Trump was mean?

    Dear God.

    Obama must be laughing his ass off right now.

  5. Erick Erickson went to CNN and sat their like a sweating pile of insecure shit and scored absolutely ZERO points in the cub lion’s den.
    He looked like Captain Pike’s crippled nephew, beeping out 1 for yes, and 2 for no, unable to counter the weakest of leftist minds on that network.
    That will not be forgotten.

    If Erickson, who says he liked Trump, can’t see that there was a mission to torpedo Trump, and Kelly was part of that mission, then he’s actually dumber than I suspected. And I say this as a person that never went on record as liking Trump or supporting Trump.

    But he’s not dumb, he’s a party lackey.

    I can see party manipulation when it’s happening, and I do not support party before what is right for the country.
    Erickson does.
    I’m not saying Trump is right for the country, but his tough talk on immigration is absolutely right for this country. Without Trump on the landscape the right would have never signaled to the left (and the Chamber of Commerce) that this was going to be priority 1 or 2.

    Erickson’s puppet masters do not want a closed border. It’s why it’s been completely open for 30 years.

    There was no line crossed by Trump that would cause him to be disinvited to run for the presidency.
    There was a line crossed that would have him disinvited from the RedStateGathering.
    Unfortunately for the bloated Erickson he thinks this is one and the same.

  6. I haven’t listened to that sell-out, Erickson, in years. Hey, Erick(That extra “K” is so precious): You probably kissed away your “fill-in” position on Rush Limbaugh forever. But maybe there’s a future for you on MSNBC?

    The attempt to take out Trump by cutesy little hair extensions Megan was so obvious that a moron could see it. And Trump was probably referring to Megan bleeding from her ASS as that seems to be where she’s taking it from her FOX masters.

    Did I go too far?

  7. Exactly Fur!
    My take on this is women are crying about equal pay/equal treatment and when trump goes toe to toe with her, everyone is shocked he treated her the way he treats men!
    Hey! They can’t have it both ways! Your either playing with the big boys or stay home. This is imho.

    And as you know I’m a woman and this PC bs is getting really old!

  8. I don’t think Trump is being petty at all. He’s being smart by exposing people who claim to be conservatives for what they are.
    Let’s see how many fans MK has left after the dust settles on this one.

  9. While most of your comments are on point,
    I take issue with your later point.

    We can walk AND chew bubble gum at the same time.
    This is NOT in lieu of doing what we can
    to stop The Obazi Party.

  10. Dianny, you are so right. 100% This is exactly my take on this whole experience and you put it into succinct words.

    We laugh at the Obama sycophants holding him up as their messiah, but what are some Trump supporters doing? The same thing. And I might add the Ron/Rand Paul supporters, too.

    I expected Trump to slap back to shut down the stupid PC, but not whine and act offended. Like you said, we have Obama to do that. We don’t need another one.

    And your take on Erickson; “a thin-skinned baby” Nothing more to add except – perfect!

  11. One of Erickson’s handler’s is Unlimited Illegal Alien Cheap Labor Tom Donohue, President and CEO of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Tammany Hall Tommy wants to keep those granjeros, campesinos y los indios trabajo highballin’ across the river.


  12. Gee…I never knew a “wherever” was a genital.

    When I first heard what he’d written, my first thought was either
    …as in, steam-blowing angry.

    But LOOK WHO’S “offended” NOW!
    Mark them off, now.

  13. Hey Erick how Progressive of you.

    If Megyn Kelly thinks women should be treated equally then I will respond to an attack by her just as I would respond to a man. She’s gonna get her nose bloodied. Since she got her own show her head has gotten bigger and bigger so I suppose that’s why she needed those ridiculous hair extensions.

    Once again FAUX News has shown they are 100% in the bag for the establishment GOP.

  14. Kelly can take care of herself especially with a blowhard like Trump. Disinviting him looks stupid, petty and pointless. I don’t think there was a concerted attack on Trump during the debate but his ego sure came out when he declined to promise to support another candidate should they win the nomination. Even he should understand that if he ran a third party it would almost guarantee a democrat win but he sure gives off vibes he doesn’t care.

  15. Here is a clip of Erickson explaining his decision. He plays the CNN clip to justify it. Maybe I am slow, but I would have never come away with the thought that The Donald was claiming she was on her period. Does anybody conclude that after hearing the actual statement?

    BTW, this issue is the top trending thin on FB, and Erickson is taking a beating!

  16. If it were a Clinton/Cheb! Booosh election,
    I would not
    I sure as hell would vote third Party.

    Maybe write-in, but a stated third Party would be fine by me.

  17. Methinks Mother Kelly opened Pandora’s Box, or at least a can of worms. Like,…. I never knew that she talked about having sex while pregnant and the size of her husband’s dick on shack jock Sterns show.
    I now see her in a whole new light which II am about to switch off.

    Good night Chet.

    Good night David.

    Goodbye Barbie.

  18. Fucking panty waist-if I was another invitee, I would disinvite myself.

    Sadly, I see Carly has come out and said she’s got Kelly’s back-sheesh lady, just when you’re giving off sparks.

  19. We all need to catch a big wave e and rise up and smite, by word and deed, all the crap the self-proclaimed landed gentry and their sniveling fool sycophants have bestowed on this once great country. Yell, shout, dispute, and curse if you have too. Make your voice heard. Trump has started the awakening of the American Patriot giant. Make it pay off big time!

  20. That interview with Stern is just gross. Classy lady, Megan. NOT.
    I’m beginning to rethink this whole thing. Erickson uninvited Trump to get publicity for himself. It worked. Now people know who he is. Nobody gave a shit about him before this publicity stunt.
    Riding on the tails of Trump’s fame, of course, but it worked!

  21. That only means that RedState will be read by more and more Lefties?! Not so sure about that…
    But he DOES corner the market on narcissism…in his own pitiful, little world.

  22. One of the more interesting comments I saw a few weeks back was from a former FOX employee. He said they all vote D (even Brett Baier) with the possible exception of Catherine Herridge and Jennifer Griffin. Their reporting is so even-handed that no one can figure which side they’re on.

    Last night, Levin played the original audio of Rosie O’Donuts going after Trump a few years ago on The View. She got everything she deserved (but could use more).

    As Levin pointed out, what did the voter learn about candidates when we were treated to a YEARS OLD rant by someone as inconsequential as Rosie O’Donnell? What a waste of time!

    He also played the taken-out-of-context “I bet you look good on your knees” remark by a former Apprentice contestant, who said she “got on her knees to beg her team leader for another chance.”

    Worst of all, ML pointed out how the Left just salivated over this lunacy from a network that is supposed to be on the side of conservatives and how these, lightweight, scurrilous attacks have set the tone for the remaining nine debates.

    You want to know what was offensive? Megyn Kelly inviting Debbie Wasaman on her show to comment on the “debate” immediately after! She then retweeted Wasaman’s, “I’m more confident than ever that the democrat candidate will win the next presidential election.”

  23. I wouldn’t know about a radio show, but I dumped him during the ’12 election when he was insulting those of us who had doubts about Mittens–and were speculating on the risk/benefits of staying home in November–way before the convention if you want a time frame.
    When he subs for Rush, I don’t bother to burn the electricity to listen to him.

  24. ” Bill S Mod redballsoffire • 3 hours ago

    They apparently didn’t teach you comprehension. Redstate is private property. The Gathering is a private event. We can filter who we want, when we want. If a person says something we don’t agree with, we can boot them. Same there as here. If you want your first amendment rights, go stand in a public park and pontificate all you want.”

    He’s correct in his legal definition. And so fucking wrong in participating in rigorous debate about our political processes.

    Thin skinned. Petty. The ‘take my ball and go home” milquetoast that is anathema to discourse that airs out the rot in our election and governmental affairs.

    A butt boy, in short.

    Fuck him. And all like his ilk that strive to shut down opposing views.

  25. I’m not a Trump supporter, but despite his crude and ham-fisted way of making a point, I like that he isn’t afraid to call someone out–and that is refreshing after listening to politicians who all sound like Lindsey Graham. Clearly he’d be lost if he were in the Senate where he’d have to be collegial but when someone is peeing on my leg, I’m going to call them out for it and do so,not by saying, “Gee, I think it’s raining”, but by telling them that if they don’t stop this instant, I’ll lay them to whale shit.
    And that’s one of the traits I want to see a leader possess–the balls to call it like it is! (And you don’t need a Y chromosome to possess those kinds of balls!)

  26. The quote that Megyn Kelly used pertaining to Donald Trump during the GOP debate was taken out of context and twisted to imply a sexual nature. When Trump said it would be good to see Brande Roderick “on her knees” he meant BEGGING for her job. ANYONE who watched that clip from The Apprentice would understand this comment and the context in which it was made. Furthermore, Kelly is no saint when it comes to language. Her comments made in the clip below on The Howard Stern Show show cannot be taken out of context. They were clearly sexual in nature. There is no ambiguity in her vulgar language. She appeared on Stern’s show and allowed this interview to happen in order to boost her career. Listener discretion advised. Fast forward to the 4:30 mark. “You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the speck out of your brother’s eye.” – Matthew 7:5.

  27. Erick Ericksson proves there is censorship in the U.S. Erick, if you think Trump should not run, let Trump run his mouth at Redstate and sink himself. Instead you just gave more cause for people to vote for him.
    I laugh every time someone tries to force out Trump and he ends up going UP in the polls.
    Trump is going to be around for awhile for the entertainment factor alone. He will eventually self-destruct or he just might make it to the top if he plays his cards right. And Trump knows how to play his cards right.

  28. Over the years, I’ve never really followed the Donald, just not my cup of tea.., that being said, I do think he has kick started the 2016 primary, by drawing attention to issues, that WE, the people want to hear. DC has become tone deaf to us, and trump, whether you like him or love him, he’s gotten “fly over country”, in a tizzy, and for good reason. I’m not real sure about the messenger (aka trump), but I do like his message. Maybe he will force the spineless in the GOP, to grow a pair.. WE are tired of voting these clowns into office based on their rhetoric every election cycle, and then running and tripping over themselves to rubber stamp what the democrats and Barry want.
    My take on the big debate by Megyn Kelly, and her minions, wasn’t anything like the debate I was expecting, it was more like a deposition being held against trump in a hearing.., her questions and comments had nothing to about this country’s future or the election. She had a vendetta, and she showed her true colors.. A shark in stilettos

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