EU Demands UK Submit Before Extending “Transition Period” – IOTW Report

EU Demands UK Submit Before Extending “Transition Period”


The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator says the British government “cannot” refuse to extend the Brexit-in-name-only “transition” period if it will not submit to the bloc’s demands in the current negotiations. Michel Barnier, a former French foreign minister, has expressed his irritation that the United Kingdom, which formally left the EU in January but remains subject to its law, its judges, and its Free Movement migration regime while the 2020 “transition period” negotiations are conducted, is — for now — refusing to extend it.  More

12 Comments on EU Demands UK Submit Before Extending “Transition Period”

  1. The vast majority within the British government want to stay in the EU. The reason they are having to leave is the direct result of the incessant arrogant, ill-timed, tone-deaf statements made by the EU ruling elite.

    What a bunch of clueless imbeciles. Europe is doomed, and they voted for it. They have no one to blame but themselves so of course they will blame it on everyone but themselves. As a nation, we are only an election away — We are all in this together.

  2. The reason they are having to leave is the direct result of the incessant arrogant, ill-timed, tone-deaf statements made by the EU ruling elite.

    No, the reason is because 17.4 million Brits voted in a legal, legitimate, one-question referendum, TO LEAVE.

  3. Okay, EU, have it your way. We won’t extend the transition, we’re through negotiating since the EU won’t negotiate in good faith, and we’re outta here NOW. Pound sand, suck wind, and keep your Islamic invaders to yourself. Call us when you want to trade with us again. In the meantime, we’ll do much better without the unelected EU leeches draining our wealth and saddling us with debts and obligations we never voted for.


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