Even a POS like Colin Kaepernick Says Hillary BELONGS IN JAIL – IOTW Report

Even a POS like Colin Kaepernick Says Hillary BELONGS IN JAIL

The San Fran QB that won;t stand for the National Anthem because blacks are oppressed, or something, says Hillary belongs in jail.

He also says that Trump is “openly racist.”

?? How is he openly racist?

41 Comments on Even a POS like Colin Kaepernick Says Hillary BELONGS IN JAIL

  1. this guy is a friggin’ unappreciative moron

    he never knew his black “dad”, who impregnated a teen who gave colin up for adoption

    the white couple who became his parents gave him the life he needed, took him to be the successful millionaire he is today

    he is the direct result of the opposite of which he complains

    fu, kaperdick, if the nfl had any gonads, you would be kicked to the curb where you belong

  2. He fits in with San Francisco …. if you can’t make a name for yourself in the sport that you over paid for, then make some stupid racist statements. Special K, you are not relevant, get over it and just cash you oppressing check.

  3. I thought the Niners were considering dumping him last year for a better QB.
    He is either really upping the pressure on himself to play up or get shitcanned, OR
    he truly is the stupidest dummass to ever strap a helmet on.

    In a free country, yes, he can speak freely. I just wish the MORONS who give $$$ to the NFL would have some principle for a change.

  4. Stupid millionaires … what’s wrong with this picture?

    He’s a fucking entertainer. He should learn to tap dance.

    What the fuck is wrong with us for so richly rewarding jesters and fools?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Kapp is said to be hooked up with an attractive jihadi activists. Proves the axiom, “ a man has two main organs, his brain and his penis, and only enough blood in his system to operate one at a time”.

  6. After Mahmoud refused to stand for the Anthem in Denver in 90s and was given a slap on the wrist, that pretty much ended what little fan was in me for the NBA. The thug culture in the NBA had taken the wind out of my sails for years and this was the last straw.

    I’m sure the NFL could fucking care less about me but the same thing is happening with them and me as was happened with the NBA. Didn’t a bunch of players from one team run onto the field with their hands in the air shouting. Hands Up Don’t Shoot recently? Fuck that. I don’t need my beliefs debased and get insulted watching a game.

    As I get older, I’m finding I don’t really have time to waste-yeah that’s what I call watching TV-with so many goals with my glass still needing attention. If I’m going to watch anything these days, it’s the just started US Open.

  7. Caperdick is openly racists – not that there’s anything wrong with that. Frankly I’m getting tired of the race card being played especially when they have nothing more to say. BFD if he thinks Hillary should be in jail, most everyone thinks that.

  8. To make your blood boil even more, listen to ESPN for a few minutes today. It won’t matter which host you listen to, they’ve all been given the company line that Colin is right, things in America are horrible for people of color. I heard Mike and Mike interviewing the racist Bomani Jones this morning, and he set the tone for the rest of the day.

  9. In the words of a black Ph.D woman (currently the most sought after head on the corporate platter) congratulated us on our completion of a propaganda lesson.
    “I recommend you, I recommend(commend) y’all for your cooperation.”
    Nothing like the NFL to get the creative juices flowing.

  10. Misdirected youth spoiled by never having to really work for anything but the position of being quarterback. I don’t get it why those least or unaffected instead of doing something positive act out like children? Following the false narrative foisted by BLM doesn’t endear others. It shows how little you know about the subject.

  11. Sounds like he is making himself Kryptonite. Has his self a $12 million parachute so when that Frisco team releases him, he don’t need to land anywhere in particular. Maybe he’ll try baseball or some other sport where he has to answer to an oppressive owner again. Maybe gay jihadi porn movies are in his future.

  12. Remember the scene in “The Longest Yard” where the prison offensive line just stands up at the snap and lets the defense crush Burt Reynolds? I would love to see that happen on opening day.

  13. Kaepernick is so dense he can’t even fulfill his taqiya duties as a closeted Muslim. The idiot wasted time and money getting those Christian scripture tattoos. He’s as Christian as Barry.
    Corporate NFL is beyond repair. It is filled with dhimmi progressives, gays and rabid feminists – male and female. Kaepernick can sit during the national anthem, but Dallas Cowboys can’t honor murdered cops.
    No surprise, worthless jihadist crap like Kaepernick thinks Hellary is a crook. She’s trying to blame a fellow BLM supporter, Colin Powell for her email scandal.

  14. Stop funding these assholes who take your money and piss on you. Don’t go to his games. Don’t watch him on TV. Don’t buy from sponsors who advertise when he’s on.
    He’s a racist imbecile who, through a cruel twist of fate, can throw and catch a ball. He hasn’t created anything. He hasn’t contributed anything. He throws the ball. He catches the ball. Utterly MEANINGLESS.

  15. It’s SICKENING how the Left always retreats to
    wrapping themselves in the flag (HA HA HA)
    by saying it’s Freedon of Speech…
    the whole point that this A§$w!pe
    is acting in a treasonous manner.

    Can’t WAIT for him to be fired!

  16. Screw the 49rs
    Skarew “Frisco” as it shall henceforth be known.
    I hope Seldom Seen’s prayer comes true right downtown in that shithole
    Ignorant ass deserves to be traded for a kicker

  17. Always amazes me how these supposedly savvy NFL owners have maneuvered themselves into overpaying their players such insane Big Bucks.

    I mean, come on, why pay ANY player more than whatever going wage it takes to rent a decent 1 BR apt and lease a nice car–60k, 80k a year?
    I mean, this is unskilled labor. A game designed to be played by teenagers.

    If top NFL salary were capped at $80k a year, where else are these guys gonna go?
    Aside from playing a kids’ game, what skills do the majority of these guys have that would pay them more?
    Are they equipped to do lawn care? Leaf blowing? Pool cleaning? Make $300/week driving for UBER ?

    Just askin’.

  18. This brand new Moslem is going to marry a Moslem New York disk jockey…

    “Colin Kaepernick is engaged to a Black Lives Matter activist and hip-hop radio personality DJ Nessa Diab. She hosts PM Drive on WQHT 97.1 FM in New York.

    According to NFL players who are friends with Kaepernick, Colin and NessA Diab, who attended the Berkeley campus of the University of California, are going to have a traditional Muslim wedding.

    Nessa began her career in San Francisco as the night time on-air personality before she was offered the position at Hot 97 in New York City.”

    — Media Confidential 8/29/16

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