Even the Easter Bunny is in Charge of Biden – IOTW Report

Even the Easter Bunny is in Charge of Biden

23 Comments on Even the Easter Bunny is in Charge of Biden

  1. Some people have what is called ‘resting bitch face’. PedoJoe has resting retard face. His default facial expression is that of a slack jawed, mouth-breathing moron.

  2. They should have put a black sack over his head, whacked him with a sap and thrown his scrawny ass into a wheelbarrow and transported him to the nearest dust bin, the cheese brained shit faced butt kisser.

  3. That is SO weird! The bunny had to wave his hands vigorously in front of FJB’s face in order to get his attention.

    They know the pedo big guy disgusts Americans who are paying attention. We know what he’s doing.

  4. Yep, he was after those two little girls. The Big Bunny could anticipate what was about to happen and steered Joe away from disaster.

    Joe likely had his big sniffer all primed and ready for action.

    Surely, someone is out there writing a book: “Perv In The White House”.

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