Everybody Hates Bloomberg – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Bloomberg

PJM: It’s Official: Liberals Hate Michael Bloomberg

When former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced he was running for president, we all knew that he’d aim — first and foremost — for supposedly centrist Democrats. Moderates. Or as I like to describe them: Democratic voters who aren’t completely insane. All true. But that diehard leftists would hate him as much as they do? I’ve got to admit that I didn’t see that coming. After all, he’s just as big a fan of the Nanny State as they are.

Well, sadly for Mr. Sugar Tax they do hate him. And they’re rather passionate about it too. They even go so far as to blame him for President Trump’s possible reelection, which is, of course, a truly deadly sin in their eyes:

For most Democrats, rightly fixated on beating Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg’s campaign for President is about the last thing they need. The bitter irony is that Bloomberg, a mega-billionaire, lifelong Republican, and New York conservative, has no chance of actually winning this year’s populist-leaning Democratic nomination himself. But his candidacy holds a host of dangers for Democrats and could complicate their efforts to defeat Trump.

Just in case Bloomberg didn’t get the hint, the author at The Hill writes: MORE

11 Comments on Everybody Hates Bloomberg

  1. @Chance December 2, 2019 at 1:44 pm

    conservative (adj.):

    Loyal Party member, who will agree to support all the “progress” (cf.) next Tuesday, if you will pay him, today.

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