Evil Fox Spirit Released from Broken Japanese “Killing Stone” – IOTW Report

Evil Fox Spirit Released from Broken Japanese “Killing Stone”

The Indenpendent


A slab of volcanic rock linked to the Japanese mythology of a nine-tailed fox split into two last month, sparking dread and fear among locals and on social media.

The stone, known as Sessho-seki, or “killing stone”, was found cracked open in Japan’s Nikko National Park, about 100 miles north of Tokyo.

No one knows how the 6ft-long and 26ft-wide rock cracked, but scientists believe cold temperatures and water seepage may have been responsible. More

16 Comments on Evil Fox Spirit Released from Broken Japanese “Killing Stone”

  1. These people are too delicate for this modern age. We should rope off Japan from the rest of the world and just send them cheerful postcards until they can man up.

  2. If the implication is that evil’s been released and stalks the world, it’s absolutely correct.

    Don’t know what a fox would do with 9 tails, but I guess the fox’ll figure it out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Dave Huff: I saw a goat eat a fiberglass camper shell. It was suppose to be the herds shelter and a place to get on top of. Drove by the ranch daily, and little by little the camper disappeared. I guess a Buick beats out a camper shell, that’s some serious dining if true.


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