Ex-Antifa Leader Admits They Are Extremely Dangerous and Very Damaged People Are Drawn To It – IOTW Report

Ex-Antifa Leader Admits They Are Extremely Dangerous and Very Damaged People Are Drawn To It

Pamela Geller-

SHAYNE Hunter established the far-left and violent Antifa movement in Australia. After four years the Brisbane man quit. Here’s why.

Shayne Hunter, as told to Corrine Barraclough, News.au,  October 25, 2017:

ANTIFA is a growing extreme group who believe violence is legitimate.

I got radicalised in Sydney. I was originally concerned about Western intervention in Syria. Radical left wing people dominated rallies and I started to associate with them more. My so-called ‘normal’ friends drifted away.

We would hang out at an anarchist library in Sydney. Here a bunch of people on the dole gather enough money to rent out the space and run a bookshop. It’s like extremist networking.

I came to believe that war was a symptom of bigger systems at play in society and they were the real enemy, like white supremacy and patriarchy. Antifa believe these systems need to be smashed through a process of ‘de-platforming’ to save the world. People who don’t necessarily agree on everything are united to attack their common enemy — anyone in the right wing of politics.

This micro-society became my life for four years.

They believe historically their roots were fighting Nazi oppression. They run a website which is updated every couple of weeks with a hit list of right wing names. They believe if these people are allowed to speak, society will suffer. So, they must be pushed back.

There is no mission statement, rather, it’s a dangerous rhetoric. There are a lot of very damaged people who are drawn to it.


16 Comments on Ex-Antifa Leader Admits They Are Extremely Dangerous and Very Damaged People Are Drawn To It

  1. Stating the obvious, although I wouldn’t be to keen on putting much stock in someone so susceptible to this radical group think. This movement is a collective tantrum by the loony left and should be given no quarter.

  2. The only reason these people aren’t dealt with a harsh resolve is due to the political left who find them to be a vital tool in pushing their agenda. Schumer and Pelosi etc as well as groups like the ACLU provide cover for them.

  3. Just because they are “susceptible to this radical group think” and are “damaged people” does not mean they can’t be dangerous. They may not be well trained or even rudimentally familiar with the tools of violence but they have will. They also have leaders that are willing to use that will to fulfill a specific purpose.
    Many on “the right,” while having familiarity with the tools of violence, do not have the same will as these. Because we have lives that revolve around far more than just these causes we aren’t as focused on these things.
    We laugh and mock those that will scream at the sky on the 8th. Yet they have held that hate in their hearts and souls for a full year.
    What have YOU done in that year?
    You may be better equipped and “trained” than they but they are united as a group with this will and passion.
    If they are not met with equal will and passion, they may indeed prevail.
    Harden your hearts. Give your soul to God’s care so it no longer is a burden.
    Load and stack. Prepare yourself. Match their will and passion with greater will and passion.

  4. They are not financing this through the dole. While they are ideologically leaning this They are being manipulated to keep them focused. Some billionaire who survived WW2 concentration camps really needs to be put up against a wall.

  5. Yes indeed, organgrinder, on the “…given no quarter…” However, the “leaders” of the areas where Antifa attack are on their side, and therefor local “Law Enforcement” will look the other way REGARDLESS of what they do. Look no further than good ol’ Florida governor Ricky Scott, who called out the military over a White Rights meeting in Gainesville, but will not do jack shiite over the Antifa terror planned for November 4.

  6. WiscoDave is exactly right. These groups are managed by a well organized infrastructure. It’s the exact same methods that they use in Europe. And they are passionate. Carry if you can.

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