Exciting New Breakthroughs In Encabulator Technology – IOTW Report

Exciting New Breakthroughs In Encabulator Technology

I remember first being introduced to the turbo encabulator by BFH. Since that initial demonstration there have been a number of advances in the field of study of this crudely conceived idea.

I give you, the micro encabulator Here

The turbo encabulator 2.0 Here

And finally, the big data encabulator Here

33 Comments on Exciting New Breakthroughs In Encabulator Technology

  1. …I work with electrical and mechanical engineers all day. This actually makes more sense than they do.

    I usually let them build whatever, then make it work when they get frustrated and walk away…

  2. Pump cover
    Lock-up piston
    stator one-way roller clutch(can be variable)
    pump housing
    pump cover engaged to pump rotor
    Low roller clutch applied + forward clutch applied consequently 1st gear.
    (See Planetary drive)
    Break away urrrrr…

    Rooma soom soom…chirp the tires 2nd gear after governor takes over the one two shift valve values, or computer dilated to set the band, and recuperate the one way from binding in ..

    Chirp the tires third gear!Oh.., That’s 1:1! The planets are aligned, band release, 4th clutch sucks it up…
    Ut Oh, the cops!

  3. Burr, you are so right! You remember what happened to Wesley when he forgot your warning. He set up the dermalization of the snagatron, causing the thymocyte causalities. It was at that point where all the bridge crew told him to shut up.

    He never lived that down.

    He should have listened to you.

  4. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS
    I’m an engineer, and I agree with you that quite a few have no idea what they are doing. The rest of us are assigned to clean up their messes.
    A PhD is someone who has learned more and more about less and less until they know almost everything about almost nothing.
    (I’ve designed a few very practical and useful products in my day)

  5. Claudia, all he had to do was degauss the carbon fiber hatch and none of that would have happened.

    Also, the guys using a water bucket to put out the cabulator fire in the video should have mixed in about four pounds of potassium.

  6. Jethro
    APRIL 1, 2021 AT 10:00 PM

    “I’m an engineer, and I agree with you that quite a few have no idea what they are doing.”

    …oh, they know what they’re doing, all right.

    1) Put wire in pipe.

    2) Put pipe in the way of everything else.

    3) Sneer contemptuously when everyone complains about it.

    4) Get a latte off-site and don’t come back until the peasants figured out for themselves.

    5) collect huge paycheck.

    …although in fairness, they CAN hold their liquor pretty well when we go to Nawleans for Factory Acceptance Tests. And there’s one that I really enjoy telling plane wreck stories to on three-hour flights because he’s a good engineer and fully understands how this could apply to the plane we’re currently in.

    This makes for some very entertaining reactions when we hit turbulence, better than reading that crappy in-flight magazine anyway…

  7. …what you want to do to recover from a crash is first, get the teach pendant, then place the controller in T2 mode and the pendant in HAND. Make sure then pendant is in WORLD mode because it’s easiest to reference Cartesian coordinates when moving through 3 dimensional space. Use the COORD button to cycle through choices. You then depress the Deadman switch and the SHIFT key SIMULTANEOUSLY to move away along the Z axis, probably Z+. If you can’t move because of COLLISION DETECT is active, continue holding SHIFT and Deadman, but with your OTHER hand, press the ENTER key and acknowledge the yellow override confirmation. This should allow you to move Z+ until out of collision. Then, you can log in and select the DATA files and set to POSITION REGISTERS. Select TOP OF STACK, PR[20], and after ensuring there is no conflict for a direct linear move, press the context sensitive [F3]MOVE TO key and let it move automatically to position by simply continuing to hold SHIFT Deadman. There may be state problems with your tooling I/O, which you can resolve by referencing ROBOT inputs[RI] and simulating the input, then forcing it OFF. If you preselect the MAIN_3 subroutine on the left hand pendant display, it will show you the line where the I/O causes a halt. Having resolved your tooling I/O conflicts, you should be able to MOVE TO PR[20] now. Having arrived, you then simply press FUNCTION then ABORT to terminate the last run program, return the pendant to HAND and the controller to AUTO, then use UOP interface from the operator HMI/SCADA terminal to return to full automatic operation.

    …funny thing is, these are ACTUAL instructions for recovering a Fanuc Cartesian robot arm with an active collision detection.

    …you can throw in a Zinc Zurator if you like, but truth kind of fits well with fiction here if you ask me…

  8. Or, as previously mentioned, you dump 4 pounds of potassium in a water bucket and toss the whole thing on whatever the problem is.

    It’ll sort itself out.

  9. I sure hope that the “Biden Harris” (I mean “Harris-Biden”) Administration is taking the security of the Encabulator seriously and that the FBI has rooted out any sleeper agents or “Honey Traps.” We wouldn’t want the Chinese or Russian to get this amazing technology and leave us in an “Encabulator Gap”

  10. I noticed they put in a Watlow EZ-Zone Controller in the micro, just to program one of those damn things as a limit switch takes several days of head scratching. The manual for it is almost 90 pages long.

  11. This is all very enlightening. I have never heard of a “Turbo Encabulator” before and now I know everything I need to know about it – except for what it actually does.

  12. I came up with the idea for the Encabulator.
    The seeds were in the “Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica” which I dictated to Newton.
    This was enlarged upon by the “Theory of Brownian Motion” which I suggested to Einstein some years later (which won him a Nobel, by the way).

  13. From Mac: “Lowell invents stuff like this all the time.”

    Sadly, my last attempt at a Micro Turbo Encabulator failed when the input fabulation helical splined commutator conflicted with the integration of the sheer transfer compacitor.

    So for now it’s just a normally aspirated Encabulator. I blame myself.

  14. I had a ‘engineer’ draw blueprints with a fastener located in a place that would require the tech to shrink down to about 10″ tall, where he would be able to squeeze between a duct and the compressor to fit it in.
    Needless to say, back to the drawing board.


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