Expect Empty Shelves in the Fresh Produce Section – IOTW Report

Expect Empty Shelves in the Fresh Produce Section


High demand for groceries combined with soaring freight costs and Omicron-related labor shortages are creating a new round of backlogs at processed food and fresh produce companies, leading to empty supermarket shelves at major retailers across the United States.

Growers of perishable produce across the West Coast are paying nearly triple pre-pandemic trucking rates to ship things like lettuce and berries before they spoil. Shay Myers, CEO of Owyhee Produce, which grows onions, watermelons and asparagus along the border of Idaho and Oregon, said he has been holding off shipping onions to retail distributors until freight costs go down. More

32 Comments on Expect Empty Shelves in the Fresh Produce Section

  1. The Communist bloc of old was a study in the failure of failure. Losers in the Soviet economy were the people at the end of the long lines for consumer goods. Worse losers were the people who had spent hours getting to the head of the line, only to be told that the goods were unavailable.

    P. J. O’Rourke

  2. Don’t worry friends, it will get better now that Turdeau of Canuckistan will not allow your Unvaxed Long Haul truckers up here.

    Should free up a few million miles of hauling time for your markets.


  3. I eagerly await the time when we survivors of the new America can sit around an open fire in the woods eating squirrel-on-a-stick and singing songs made famous by the Kingston Trio.

    << And some of you mocked my avatar. You can KMA. 🙂

  4. I live near several veggie stands. These are Asian and Mexican immigrants farming and doing odd jobs on the side. They work, and I appreciate them for doing something benefical for society.

  5. Neither here nor there I guess, but I’ve said this before. We supply precision machine parts to several industries. I’ve been require to attend about 100 classes since the late 80’s on supply chain management. Transportation has never been included in the supply chain. Weird.
    We purchase our fruits and vegetables from the local farmers markets on Saturdays and Sundays. Green Houses are wonderful things. The Farmers Market prices are now cheaper than what I’m seeing in the stores.
    Tonight I dropped by a store for some guacamole and some whipped cream. Out of guacamole. Amazing really. Avocados were two for one. So we made our own Gauc. Totally out of whipped cream. These shortages don’t really make any sense.

  6. Latest trick at Walmart to make empty shelves look full: If you only have one kind of toilet paper, fill one whole aisles shelves with the one product you can get. Pretty effective, until you run out of that one product.

  7. The shortages are designed to create 2 things:

    1) Desperation that only YUGE “build back better” plans from the Democrats can solve.

    2) To get the public conditioned to Travelling, Owning & Consuming LESS.

  8. Remember when preppers were considered to be the odd ducks? Oh, good times! Going back further, 50 years or so, Sears once sold metalworking lathes so a man could fabricate repair parts in his home shop. My, how far America has fallen.

  9. Reuters: “high demand for groceries” is part of the empty shelf problem. Am I supposed to believe that people are eating more groceries than they did last year and the year before? What fool writes these stories?

  10. And the sewer rats are stocking up on TV’s from the Trains.
    As of right now we can feed 4 people for 8 months.
    AA thinks I am crazy. Beef Pork Fish Canned goods Pasta nuts flour sugar coffee.
    Been putting stuff away for a while, we all should be.

  11. Reuters is the same outfit that “fact” checked Bill Gates’s genocide-by-inoculation statement.
    Pretty sure they have an agenda that has nothing to do with keeping America informed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. And it gets crazier…. So no one want to work, yet corporate America is raising prices to make up for losses.. This has me shaking my head! Corporate is driving people into homelessness because those that still have jobs and are willing to work are starting to be priced out of EVERYTHING!

    America is about to collapse from the inside and when it does..Corporate and Personal Greed will be the downfall!


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