Expect Riots In Cleveland – IOTW Report

Expect Riots In Cleveland

The Cavaliers win, so Cleveland will burn tonight because when you have a 75 IQ this is what you do.

The people of Cleveland will frig the town so bad it’ll end up looking like Cleveland.

25 Comments on Expect Riots In Cleveland

  1. When the Royals won the World Series, there were no riots. When the Royals lost the World Series, still no riots. Over 800,000 people showed up for the parade and there were fewer than 5 (five) arrests. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

  2. Good, burn out the old brush so the new brush can grow.
    I was pulling for Golden State until Steph Curry’s wife played the race card.
    Then I decided I wanted both teams to lose.
    Cleveland came out with their “black lives matter” pose and hoodies.
    Thugs, playing a thug game.
    White boys need not apply.
    Fuck the NBA.
    Yes, Cleveland will burn…let it.

  3. In the white boy’s sport, golf, Dustin Johnson won the US Open.
    He wins 1.8 million, a nice trophy, and then tonight gets to sleep with his wife Paulina Gretzky.
    Thus proving that life isn’t fair or equal.
    It will never be. 🙁

  4. The Zulu’s will erupt. That’s all they do. Yawn. The refs won this for Ohio in the last game. The fix was in. I think I’m done with Pro sports after this.

  5. Nope not happening at the moment. Just thousands of happy, happy people at least until the beer runs out.
    Come join me at the Harbor Inn in the Flats and I’ll buy you a Burning River ale.

  6. Eugenia, I lived in Houston when they won back to back NBA titles.
    Everyone went down to Richmond avenue and had a blast.
    No riots or burning cars.
    Unfortunately that is not the norm these days.

    I know Cleveland is starved for a championship and I hope it is simply a big celebration without riots.

  7. The whole country, the world, and civilization in general is burning to the ground and I’m somehow supposed to give a flying fuck about basketball?

    Who in their right-mind cares?

  8. Don’t come downtown for that ale. Most of the major inbound ramps and roads are closed so I heard. We have quite a distance to walk to where our ride is so leaving soon.
    The crowds are behaving and race doesn’t matter at the moment. Mixed crowds – black, white, Hispanic. The cops and highway patrol are being treated like human beings. They are giving people a lot of freedom to climb on lamp posts for photos.
    Haven’t seen a single instance of ugly or illegal activity.
    I need a women’s rooooooommmmmmmm.

  9. I really don’t think you understand how desperate the people of NE Ohio were for a championship—there was lots of celebrating and just one trashed police car. Downtown Cleveland is actually a great place now (its politicians are still mostly dopes)—we love going there, and we love our CAVS. Really I’m surprised and saddened at this post—

  10. Basketball – isn’t that one of those two games they play while everybody’s waiting for football season to come around again? I forget what the other one is.


  11. @bocephusrex
    YES. And ditto.
    @Eugenia, have a great time downtown!
    You people have no clue what this means to NE Ohio. Expect a complete turnaround in attitude and economy now. Not kidding and not hyperbole. Now it won’t be just the Buckeyes kicking the rest of your teams around. THE CURSE IS OVER.

  12. i’m surprised they didnt riot, since that appears to be the normal reaction to teams winning.

    maybe its prophetic. Cleveland winning, the R convention held there, Trump winning.

  13. Naah, none of that crazy stuff is gonna happen. I’ve lived in NE Ohio all my life (64 years) and as crummy as Cleveland can be, it’s no shithole like Baltimore, Detroit or some other places. The sports fans have been so starved for a championship, there’ll just be celebration without the stupidity. I’m just happy my Lake Erie Monsters won the Calder Cup (American Hockey League) playoff championship. THAT made my year for me! Good for the Cavs – it’s about bloody time!

  14. I’ve been telling all my leftist friends that during the week of the GOP convention, we’ll be sitting in the backyard with frosty adult beverages amd popcorn, watching the smoke rise from Cleveburg.

    We live 40 miles south.

    I just hope it doesn’t ripple down this way.

  15. During the convention if the town gets burned down don’t look to the locals but to the massive number of out-of-state paid and unpaid thugs expected in town. Friends in law enforcement have been tracking rumors of paid thugs from other countries coming to town.
    Locals will not take kindly to having the Q, Jacobs Field or the football stadium damaged.

    @flip, we also live south of Cuyahoga County and have concerns about spill over violence expressed by the Sheriff. Misters Mossberg, Smith and Wesson, Sig and Glock will be happy to direct trouble makers back to Hopkins.

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