Expect the Ax to Keep Swinging At CNN – IOTW Report

Expect the Ax to Keep Swinging At CNN

Red State

“No one is safe or secure right now,” a CNN staffer declared on Friday.

While [Jon] Nicosia said that the ultimate list of folks who might be shown the door hasn’t been finalized yet, there are some folks, according to his source, who are likely not to be there anymore–or at least, not in their current show assignments, including John Berman, Alisyn Camerota, Jim Acosta, Brianna Keilar, Jake Tapper, John King, and Don Lemon. More

18 Comments on Expect the Ax to Keep Swinging At CNN

  1. Dissolve Communist News Network in its entirety. They won’t be able to redeem themselves, as there’s no redeeming qualities to stay on air. It’s all about the money and investors.

  2. CNN should pull up its pants, pack up its shit, and go home.

    I won’t watch them no matter what they do.

    But there seem to be millions of couch potatoes who will.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. CNN will never become the Conservative News Network. It’s in their DNA to be the Communist News Network, but like Odin said, they will be more subtle and nuanced about it. Besides, they’ve burnt too many bridges and scorched too much earth to draw ANY conservative viewers.


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