Exploiting Fearful and Dumb – Pfizer set to request emergency approval of COVID-19 vaccine for children younger than 5 – IOTW Report

Exploiting Fearful and Dumb – Pfizer set to request emergency approval of COVID-19 vaccine for children younger than 5


Pfizer and BioNTech are reportedly preparing to ask the Food and Drug Administration to authorize a COVID-19 vaccine for kids younger than 5.

The companies could apply as soon as Tuesday.

U.S. regulators urged the drugmakers to apply for emergency authorization of a two-shot regimen while the company gathers data on a three-dose course, according to The Associated Press.

This way, shots could be approved for children 6 months to 5 years old by late February, giving the U.S. a head start on the rollout while it awaits study data on a third shot by March.

The vaccines being studied in children use one-tenth of the dose and proved to be safe in trials. However, the two-dose course didn’t seem to be that effective in combatting the virus, and the companies tested a third shot to see if it can combat the virus’s highly transmissible variants.


7 Comments on Exploiting Fearful and Dumb – Pfizer set to request emergency approval of COVID-19 vaccine for children younger than 5

  1. The insane thing is that covid is ending. Look at the curve – cases have plummeted by half in 2 weeks, in 2 more weeks there will barely be any. The reason the drop is so steep, considering how contagious the current version of the virus is, is that there are no more hosts available! Otherwise the curve would be much flatter.
    It. Is. Over. And yet they continue to abuse the children in particular.

  2. Wow – – – people volunteering their kids for sacrifice to the Drug Lords for testing they they won’t be mentioning. And no one says squat, where is the outrage. What will the kids that live have to say about their parents later in life???

  3. Any parent that allows this poison to be injected into their children is sick & evil. They have failed this IQ test spectacularly as well. A lot of these idiots will die or be seriously injured with no recourse.

    The politicians that have pushed this along with the profit driven drug companies will never see consequences for this insanity. That shit ain’t right especially as LCD as pointed out that their vax party is over.

  4. Words fail me.

    They really, REALLY want to destroy an entire generation of American children.

    And despite the NEGLIGIBLE risk that FakeFlu poses to children and infants, despite it’s inability to prevent it as Pfizer’s OWN study shows, despite the HUGE and GROWING documentation of terrible, life-altering, crippling, and sometimes fatal side effects, despite the lack of knowledge about if this will cause cancers or sterilize children, despite ALL of this…FUCKING IDIOT PARENTS WILL DO IT!

    Sacrifices to Baal. That’s all these are.
    And apparently, no one can stop them.

    Revelation is playing out as we speak. Evil will rule this world until Christ comes back, just as the Bible says. Christians will be denied the ability to buy or sell without the Mark of the Pfizer, and that includes buy or sell medical care.

    The End Times are upon us.

    Apparently, we all missed the boat.

    Oh well, here we are.

    Take a few with you when they come for you.

    It’s all we have left.


  5. I just found out that my 5 month old grandson has COVID which he probably got from daycare. My sons soon to be ex wife is blaming it on him since he just recovered from COVID and has had little if any contact with his son lately. My ex daughter in law has gone bat shit crazy and blames everything on my son, the whole situation sucks. I tried to get my son to stick it out but his wife has gone over the deep end to the dark side and he’ll be better off without her and hopefully his 2 older daughters will too.

  6. SNS — Relax a little, brother. I’ve been paying close attention and by my reckoning we’ve only got about 18 months left until the harpazo. Make sure you’ve got your lamps full of oil.


  7. I remember reading somewhere that when the FDA gives emergency use approval “for the children” it somehow exempts the provider from additional liabilities. After all, It’s the same poison in a smaller dose.
    Anybody else remember hearing about this?


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