Exposé on Creepy Bill Gates – IOTW Report

Exposé on Creepy Bill Gates


She [New York Times journalist Anupreeta Das] says that Bill cheated on Melinda many times and was ‘like a kid in a candy store’ with young women at Microsoft, so much so that young interns were banned from being alone with him.

After Bill’s connections to Epstein came to light in 2019 – which he claims were purely for philanthropic reasons – Melinda reportedly began consulting lawyers about splitting up their $150 billion

She formally filed for divorce in 2021 and called her marriage of 27 years and three children ‘irretrievably broken’.

The document revealed that the Gates’ did not sign a prenup but did sign a separation agreement covering the distribution of their assets which left Melinda with more than $6 billion. more

25 Comments on Exposé on Creepy Bill Gates

  1. I have NEVER read anything good about Bill Gates.

    We were brainwashed decades ago to respect the entrepreneurial spirit and savvy of these nerd-revenge dudes but, this dude and so many of the others in this strata are lowlife scoundrels. Gates has always been a ripoff artist.

    Others such as Elon Musk are showing encouraging signs of societal common sense

    Maybe we’re back to revenge of the real men.

  2. So many old, creepy, weird white dudes.
    Looking back, they were the ones the Jocks called Fags in Middle and High Schools.

    Now the Jocks are the Fags.

    It’s Weird

  3. ^^^^^^ Dudes such a fucking loser. I don’t know any squared away happily married man that would trade places with him if it meant inheriting his physical attributes or the lack of. I’m willing to bet he use to hire men to satisfy his wife. A total libtard quagmire. Fuck them very much.

  4. These fags take every, and we mean every, opportunity to PUSH their fagdom down our throats and then along comes Coach Walz to tell US to mind our own business.

    Am AI missing something?

  5. After being a wimp INCEL geek for so long, once he was rich enough to attract gold digger pussy he kept at it and at it and at it because he was terrified he would wake up one day and find somebody had taken it all away from him.

    Likewise his megalomaniacal quest for world domination. It all goes back to high school days. In his subconscious he’s getting back at the jocks for all the swirlies and atomic wedgies they gave him.

  6. Uncle Al

    It’s like we have one brain sometimes. But your selfish and hog it all. LOL. This ass might have viewed some mighty fine pussy. And that’s where it ended.
    I would not trade places with this guy. I don’t think many men would. And that’s what pisses him off. Still a loser. Be sure and get that booster shot. He never did.

  7. Here’s a really sick, dangerous psychopath with a lot of money who wants to own the world and to starve and vaccinate the entire human population to death, whichever comes first.

    Yet, under absolutely NO circumstances will he permit a single one of his children be vaccinated.

  8. Brad — I’m glad you like the way I put things, because I like the way you put things. We’re different but equal, and complementary. Keep up the good work!

    BTW, I think he probably does in fact achieve penetration, but you’d need a stopwatch to measure “start-to-finish” time.

  9. “Bill cheated on Melinda many times and was ‘like a kid in a candy store’ with young women at Microsoft..”

    First: EEWWWWWWW!

    Second: He’s as shitty as his software always was.

  10. After the shake-out Gates should be proscribed (in the Roman sense – whoever kills him gets 10% and the gov’t gets the rest).

    Not advocating any violence, mind you, just a gov’t course of action.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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