BUMPED: Extracting From Google – IOTW Report

BUMPED: Extracting From Google

I think this is it. I think we can vote in the final hours here to push our young illustrator over the top.  Go here and vote.

Message from Lauren’s Dad: 

My daughter, Lauren wanted me to thank you for posting her work on your site and providing the link.  She looked at the postings and was also happy about your community!  Everyone was very encouraging especially you and Illust8r!  You are the best.  She was so thrilled!  Contest ends tonight, I will let you know the outcome.

We have a reader whose very young teen daughter is a state finalist in a nation-wide Google Doodle contest.

Hey, if the left is giving away money let’s get it from them. And besides, I think this artist needs to be encouraged. Look at this —>


That’s good stuff right there for any age. This is a professional job.

Want to see her win? Go here and vote.

For the record, I’m asked from time to time to promote people who have contests that rely on votes and such. I can’t do that. 3 reasons why I’m making an exception in this case –

  1. I’d like to see a conservative get the Google money.

2. The rules of the contest says you can promote in order to get votes.

3. The girl is barely a teenager. Do it for the cheeldren. The conservative cheeldren.

41 Comments on BUMPED: Extracting From Google

  1. Fur,

    your second paragraph is what really caught my interest. (I like the art also).

    I couldn’t agree more.
    Put a 95 percent tax on all celebrities, athletes, musicians, rappers, and call it the Celebrity Tax.
    I mean, after all, they are all about taxing the rich, right????
    Helping the little guy out??? Fighting greed???
    Pass that law and see how many celebs vote democrat after that.

    California would vote solid Republican in the following election, and every election after that.

  2. Very clever! The young talent is great to see.

    I voted. Sadly I could only vote once today. Voting more than once is a time-honored D tradition which Google would surely approve. Will check the rules and see if i can vote again tomorrow, next day, the next day.

    Good luck!

  3. Dayum,
    As a guy who spent a lot of time in art school, I posit this young artist ‘get’s it’
    Her color groups and composition show an innate understanding that surpasses her years.
    Here’s hoping she makes the Big Time

  4. She’s got my vote!

    I Googled her school, Biotechnology High School in Freehold, New Jersey. It is a magnet high school that emphasizes the hard sciences, including engineering. This is all good news, because it means the she will 1) probably pursue higher education in a solid, meaningful field (honk if you think she’ll eschew the delights of studying for a degree in Gender Studies); 2) she will have a strongly marketable skill when she leaves scool. Our anonymous reader will not have to deal with a cellar-dwelling slacker!

    Best of luck to the young lady.

  5. Thanks everyone for the votes and kind words! Lauren will be happy to see this when she gets home from school.

    @B Woodman: Good eye! My 3 kids grew up on Studio Ghibli.
    @Illustr8r: Thanks again for the drawing tablet recommendation last month, the girl’s are loving it!
    @BFH: Checks in the mail 😉

  6. Almost forgot: As a state finalist, Lauren has already extracted this from Google:
    – A school assembly with a pretty cool Google presentation and an 8-foot poster board with her doodle was unveiled.
    – All the students received a Doodle4Google t-shirt
    – Lauren received a pretty nice Asus tablet PC
    – Her school got a $1500 grant that they will be using to purchase new microscopes

  7. Way to go, Lauren! You certainly deserve to win with such beautiful artwork! I especially love your choice of colors. You have my vote! God has blessed you with a wonderful talent.

  8. First off, thank you all! I knew this was going to be a great response from my IOTW friends. Even though you don’t know who I am, I am a regular. And the “regular’s” and then-some left some very nice comments for my daughter. This event has been a big encouragement for her.

    Lauren’s sister and brother have had good accomplishments over the past year and Lauren was kind of in the waiting. This came at a great time for her. She even slammed her brother during the school’s assembly mentioning her thanks to everyone and then quoted him in his 13-year-old monotone voice, “You will never win”. The students laughed and applauded!

    Lauren right now is on her way home from her church youth group. I know she will like the additional comments since she last read. She already told me that the earlier comments are greatly appreciated! You are good people here.

    But where’s Mr Pinko? Is there a Trump rally tonight?

    And just to answer a few questions:

    – Yes, Lauren did this entirely on her own. The two Google reps at the assembly actually asked me about this. There is no music or art at her school. And my wife and I are not so inclined.

    – Our cat in the windows name is “Sushi”. We have had her for 8 years when we adopted her from the ASPCA. She is an indoor guard cat and hates strangers. We need to lock her away every month when we hold fellowship or have guests.

    Lauren is the middle child, 14 years old. Her older sister is 15, and her younger brother is 13. Do you know a good college planner?

  9. Sorry, forgot the “Lauren’s Dad” alias to my alias:

    First off, thank you all! I knew this was going to be a great response from my IOTW friends. Even though you don’t know who I am, I am a regular. And the “regular’s” and then-some left some very nice comments for my daughter. This event has been a big encouragement for her.

    Lauren’s sister and brother have had good accomplishments over the past year and Lauren was kind of in the waiting. This came at a great time for her. She even slammed her brother during the school’s assembly mentioning her thanks to everyone and then quoted him in his 13-year-old monotone voice, “You will never win”. The students laughed and applauded!

    Lauren right now is on her way home from her church youth group. I know she will like the additional comments since she last read. She already told me that the earlier comments are greatly appreciated! You are good people here.

    But where’s Mr Pinko? Is there a Trump rally tonight?

    And just to answer a few questions:

    – Yes, Lauren did this entirely on her own. The two Google reps at the assembly actually asked me about this. There is no music or art at her school. And my wife and I are not so inclined.

    – Our cat in the windows name is “Sushi”. We have had her for 8 years when we adopted her from the ASPCA. She is an indoor guard cat and hates strangers. We need to lock her away every month when we hold fellowship or have guests.

    Lauren is the middle child, 14 years old. Her older sister is 15, and her younger brother is 13. Do you know a good college planner?

    Read more at https://iotwreport.com/extracting-from-google/#8EU8B5EhQ3mOgLJY.99

  10. Oh, and vote as often as they allow. The Google rep said this is simply the most amount of votes. So rules are out, and if you have voted, try voting again tomorrow! Keep it on your desktop until the 23rd of February. There is a little text below the vote button that tells you if you have already voted.

  11. First off I want to thank Big Fur Hat for bumping this, his intentions were good and probably inspired from above. Because He didn’t realize that the contest had ended, but this gave me a chance to say to all of you that have commented, and encouraged Lauren, Thank You! And she wanted me to say Thank you as well.
    As a regular here I appreciate all of you! Lauren was very excited to think her drawing was on some cool legitimate web site, but let us all keep that secret!

    Seriously, you all have given me some knocks today and likewise, but y’all rock! I actually love all of you. Even the Rubio supporters!

  12. Loco, we have many winners already, Lauren, you, and all of this great community! I don’t know if Lauren will move on to the finals, she is in NJ and going against in her bracket NY & CA. Lauren’s school is population 280. We asked media to turn out but none showed up. But in other markets they did.

    But Lauren is absolutely fine with that and so am I. She was “discovered” and acknowledged. That rarely happens in most people’s lifetimes. She is the type that will build on that and not rest on it. For that I am blessed by her as my daughter!

  13. I think I was too late to vote as there is no buttons or anything, and lists her as a winner. I did like a lot of the art, but agree that Laurens’ work was above average and looked very professional. I would have voted for her if I had read this post in time. Nice job Lauren!!!

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