Extreme Mansplaining – First Transgender Miss Universe Says ‘Having a Vagina’ Does Not Make You a Woman – IOTW Report

Extreme Mansplaining – First Transgender Miss Universe Says ‘Having a Vagina’ Does Not Make You a Woman

Godfather Politics-

“Having a vagina does not make me a woman. I am a woman and already was before my birth,” Ponce exclaimed. Pointing to her head and then her midsection. Ponce added, “Because my identity is here, not down there. This determines my being a woman.”

Ponce claimed that a man can be a woman if only he thinks he is a woman.



56 Comments on Extreme Mansplaining – First Transgender Miss Universe Says ‘Having a Vagina’ Does Not Make You a Woman

  1. With all due respect, you know absolutely nothing about being a woman.
    You are a Man.
    A very mentally ill young man.
    Calling you anything else is a disservice to you, and society in general
    Get help, not affirmation.

  2. Changing the box cover containing Fruit Loops doesn’t make it Shredded Wheat.
    If the Plumbing Trade adopted your names for fittings nothing would work right.
    That Alter Boy looks like he was getting a real work out.

  3. Madness! ……..Madness!

    OK. So they are the last lines from “The Bridge on the River Kwai.” But they certainly apply to a man trying to escape his genetic code and being allowed to enter the Miss Universe contest, just as much as to commandos destroying a bridge over the Kwai River in Burma in WWII. After all, that was just a great movie. This is just a great joke.

  4. I am so tired of these freaks. Our wonderfully millennial supportive niece of her yet to be ‘wife’ has given up and gave Chris/Kristine ‘husband’ the boot. I feel so sorry for their child. It’s bad enough to grow up with substance abusers, but this? We are in some deep crap when we hear about these stories. STFU media. But, that’s the point. Keep pushing what a small fraction of the population is doing to make it mainstream. Bastards. Yeah, I’m ‘woke’ to their propaganda.

  5. I’m going to have to revise my dating parameters. And yes, there will be a test.

    1. Were you born female?
    2. Do you have a vagina as original equipment?
    3. Are there any Y chromosomes I need to be aware of?

  6. I just searched for “Ponce.”

    The first thing that shows up in the search, the definition of the word:

    “An effeminate man” / “A man who lives off a prostitute’s earnings.”

  7. “Having a vagina does not make me a woman.” – The Crazy MAN in the story above.

    …not a huge “prequel” fan, but Star Wars has the PERFECT quote here…

    “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent, now get out of here.” — Qui-Gon Jinn

  8. It’s sad to see mental patients exploited. I just hope its suicide gets as much publicity so we can say to our kids — see, that was a mentally ill person who was denied treatment.

  9. Repeating myself (like all old fogeys), men who pretend to be women are just homosexuals trying to escape the taunts, insults, the queerness of their sexual desires. If a man pretends he’s a woman, than in his mind, having sexual relations with a man is ”normal”.
    This is a gay man wearing a dress, nothing more.

  10. …let’s let the dictionary folks weigh in here, shall we?

    “woman noun
    wom·​an | \ˈwu̇-mən, especially Southern ˈwō- or ˈwə- \
    plural women\ˈwi-​mən \
    Definition of woman
    1a : an adult female person
    b : a woman belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) —usually used in combination
    3 : distinctively feminine nature : WOMANLINESS
    4 : a woman who is a servant or personal attendant
    5a chiefly dialectal : WIFE
    b : MISTRESS
    c : GIRLFRIEND sense 2
    6 : a woman who is extremely fond of or devoted to something specified
    I’m a chocolate woman through and through, but one bite of West’s banana pudding cupcake and I was sold.
    — Hattie Brown Garrow”


    …hmm, doesn’t seem to include the “Psychotic Man” definition, try back next year, DUDE…

  11. having a vagina doesn’t make you a woman. No, but it’s a damn good start. Ponce will have to develop monthly periods of insanity on his own and he’s way ahead in the insanity department. Let’s not even bring up the hormonal imbalances this fruitcake has. This guy is more fucked up than a soup sandwich.

  12. …wait, when you say, “Having a vagina”, do you mean, like, when a guy “has” one – that is attached to an actual female – in the BIBLICAL sense?

    …Because THAT is the ONLY way your statement could EVER be true…

  13. I wonder how old he was when he started taking the wrong hormones for his young body and began to lop off body parts?
    (Read: of course I’m blaming his parents, and whoever molested him as a child.)

  14. ” A vagina does not make a woman” Sez de dude who had his dick and balls chopped off and a fake vagina surgically hollowed out between his legs, and had plastic bags inserted to create fake breasts. And he still looks like a horse faced man wearing make up after all that surgery.

    You are absolutely right dude. Keep on prancing!

  15. Unfortunately, Rosie, Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Joy Behar, Gayle King, Whoopie Goldberg, Ozzy Osbourne’s ex-wife, the lesbo from Roseanne, etc., etc. are all availble for comment.

    I’ll go the other way with this one and say that if women were taking care of business, this dude wouldn’t be showing them up at their own game.

  16. Air brushing does wonders. I once saw a photo layout of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz looking like a size 6. One of her legs is a size 6.

    This too shall pass. Nothing ever stays the same. I do wish, though, that our Exec would make a bigly deal out of treating mental health problems, especially all this so-called gender identity stuff. It’s out of control. There was a cosmetics commercial — Cover Girl, I think — where right in the middle of it was a second’s flash of a guy putting on his mascara (with a fully made up face). Totally disgusting.

    “Maybe he’s born with it. Maybe it’s Mabeline.” No maybe about it. It’s completely Mabeline.

  17. It’s you. Not me.

    Did you ever think you would be suckered into a never ending argument about something as basic as gender? This is gaslighting on steroids.

    I’m sick of the left dictating the narrative, defining normal people as haters, disparaging us, impugning us.

    Fuck them and their obvious stupidity.

    Y’all are bug fuck crazy. I sleep well at night knowing I’m right. You leftists toss and turn and wake up in sweaty bed clothing. I refuse to be drawn into your mental illness.

    I just won’t. Forget it.

    And, it must be noted, I speak for the vast majority of Americans.

    Case closed.


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