F-35 Crashes at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska  – IOTW Report

F-35 Crashes at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska 

Pilot Ejects Safely.

11 Comments on F-35 Crashes at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska 

  1. Wow.

    The U-2 US spy plane shot down over Russia in 1959, piloted by Frances Gary Powers had an eject and escape capability. But the aircraft was so shot up by the Soviet ground Anti-aircraft fire that Powers realized that if he ejected, both of his legs would be torn off. He probably would have bled to death before his parachute landed. So he landed the aircraft and of course was captured, interrogated, and imprisoned.

  2. An American Airlines passenger plane just had a mid-air with a military helicopter over DC on approach to Reagan International. That is literally the most heavily monitored and controlled airspace in the entire US.

    I don’t trust these deep state cocksuckers to cause one of these to disrupt Trump’s ground game against them. The flight was from Kansas too. You know, the place filled with people the DC pond scum don’t give a fuck about. And those helicopters can likely be flown remotely with the right equipment.

  3. When I was in the 5th CCG I went TDY to Eielson AFB for a winter training exercise, 4 weeks from the middle of January through middle of February. It was [expletive deleted] cold and dark. At least they put us up in barracks instead of the 12 man tents we usually got on maneuvers. It was still fun clambering around on roofs trying to find a spot to anchor an antenna. A lot of whoever did the planning for these things evidently thought a transmit antenna was like a set of rabbit ears that you set on top of the radio.

  4. Wild Bill -This was my elder brother’s home base while in Alaska. Prior to Eielson he was also in Fairbanks . His own TDY was in Shemya in the Aleutian Islands where there were the tamest little foxes always looking for a handout. What a small world we have.

  5. @Wild Bill and @Geni
    I have been to Eielson and Richardson multiple times for Brimfrost exercises. We would go up in the summer to set ground rods and fight off mosquitoes. Then we would load our Commo equipment in Tampa fly to Alaska in the middle of the winter to set up comms back to CENTCOM. I was SatCom with JCSE.


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