Facebook Blocks Crowdfunding Page for Actors Jon Voight and Nick Loeb and Their New Roe v. Wade Movie – IOTW Report

Facebook Blocks Crowdfunding Page for Actors Jon Voight and Nick Loeb and Their New Roe v. Wade Movie

Two Hollywood actors who are working with pro-life leaders on a film detailing the true story behind Roe v. Wade said Facebook is blocking their project...
This week, Loeb told World News Daily that he believes the social media giant is censoring them because of the film’s pro-life message and its exposure of Planned Parenthood’s eugenic history.
“They have even blocked people sharing the ads I paid for,” Loeb said. “This is stealing or fraud.”
Loeb said they are considering legal action...’

 h/t Rachel weeping

10 Comments on Facebook Blocks Crowdfunding Page for Actors Jon Voight and Nick Loeb and Their New Roe v. Wade Movie

  1. Some smart software guy HURRY UP and develop a conservative alternative to FB and YT!! We need to hurry up and leave those two bankrupt in the dustbin of history.

  2. Well. In the wrestling match between the full grown woman and the zygote-person-wannabe, my vote is for the woman: her choice!

    At the same time, the media is tooooooooo disgusting! ….and I do, mostly, like Jon Voight. ….Lady in Red

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