Facebook is going to rely on its users to shadow ban news outlets – IOTW Report

Facebook is going to rely on its users to shadow ban news outlets

Let the war begin.

Mark Suckaturd has announced that Facebook is going to rank news sites based on their “trustworthiness.” But who will do the ranking? Facebook users!

That’s right. That’s journalism Facebook-style. Whatever the mob decides Suckaturd will go along with it. So, if for some reason The Babylon Bee (a satirical fake news site) is ranked high in “trustworthiness” Facebook will anoint it?

How vapid is this idiot?

And what are the odds Huffpo, Vox, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, NY Times, Wapo don’t top The Daily Caller, The Daily Wire etc.? Pretty slim.

He had already hired his “independent” fact checkers – Snopes.



15 Comments on Facebook is going to rely on its users to shadow ban news outlets

  1. Ohio Dan is right. Facebook needs conservative competition. I keep up with family and friends on FB but I never get my news there. Too bad so many uninformed people believe all they read there.

  2. You know, the only way to fight this is to go full bore, and flag every single post on there as offensive.
    Anything that does not reflect my own personal view
    All day every day, nothing but offensive.
    See how that works

  3. Oh FFS… The left is so insane that they’ll have legions of cunts working full time to get every site they don’t like banned. Fuck this shit. I’m clicking Fake News on every goddamn left wing site, but we know that will be backed up by nothing. It’s just another Zuck the Cuck rigged system. Fuck that asshole.

  4. Bring back The Weekly World News, it had far more credibility than fakebook does. And besides I miss the alien that was always on the cover of every issue. I always got a good laugh every time I saw it in the magazine rack at the grocery store checkout line.

  5. I came here to suggest exactly what Poor Lazlo stated. We need to organize and mass report every liberal fb page as fake news. It will work at first because fb developers are dumb shits and won’t factor that in. Then they’ll do some of those so called algorithm updates and reporting them would no longer work.

  6. Public schools teach altered US History, new math, social justice, perverted life styles, diversity, white privilege and atheism, yet great majority of people still send their children to Public Schools with little, if any, concern.
    Most people will stay with Facebook and consume the same anti-US lunacy and stupidity their children are served in Public Schools.
    The enlightened know this is much more than just social media.

  7. Some ideas are so stupid, only a (supposedly) really intelligent person would think it’s good.

    This is bullshit. Still not willing to cede the battlespace.


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