Facebook Shooter Kills Himself After Police Car Chase – IOTW Report

Facebook Shooter Kills Himself After Police Car Chase


Steve Stephens shot and killed himself after police chase

Cleveland Facebook murderer Steve Stephens shot and killed himself after being chased by police.

He committed suicide after a “brief pursuit”, according to US police.

Pennsylvania State Police said on Twitter: “Steve Stephens was spotted this morning by PSP members in Erie County. After a brief pursuit, Stephens shot and killed himself.”


26 Comments on Facebook Shooter Kills Himself After Police Car Chase

  1. This happens so often that I have to wonder if police have finally gotten smart. They figured out that if the perp is dead at the scene after “killing himself”, no one questions police brutality, black lives matter, or excessive use of force. If the first guy on the scene always says, “he was like this when I got here”, and no one cares enough to dig deeper, than that is the truth everyone is satisfied with.

  2. Yeah, and Terrence Johnson “killed himself” after robbing a bank and running away from the cops. He seemed to be overcome with remorse – 17 years after killing some cops, prison, and then robbery.

    Nobody figured out why he had to run away to kill himself, though, maybe he just wanted to do it alone – like this guy.

    It happens. Yeah, it does.

    izlamo delenda est …

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