Do you want to snitch on your friends, family, and neighbors for wrongthink? Here's how!
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) July 1, 2021
Nice to see Facebook going full Stasi/NKVD. Learning from the former East Germans who now advise leftist "anti-extremist" organizations.
39 Comments on Facebook Wants You To Turn In Your Friends That Are Becoming “Extremists”
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Sad part about this is there are people who are WILLING do this! I seem to remember those who ratted on neighbors not wearing masks had their names publicized…
Getting sort of chilly in First Amendment land.
Left fakebook a year ago and do not miss it.
If people stay after this they’re fools.
Let’s see if Candace Owens and others leave or stay.
Let there be no more doubt on whether or not the CIA is controlling Facebook.
CCNV, you are so right.
Fb will now be known as Karenbook
How about if I turn in people that are extremist but AIN’T my friends??
never joined FACEBOOK and never even considered it. Anyone who does is just supporting Communism and Censorship on every level so I just for the life of me can not figure out why anyone would partake, lose their privacy and support the Alien Zuckerweird all so you can get a cute cat picture from your Uncle Joe on your wife’s side, twice removed.
Can I turn in myself? I’m starting to worry about me.
Of course, Facebook isn’t doing this just so they can ban you from their platform, no, this information goes straight to the Biden administration and the deep state. But don’t listen to me, I’m just a conspiracy theorist.
Then it’s fair game to report the Covidians, Climate Worshipers, and liberals who worship at the altar of progressiveness. But I take it those extreme views aren’t what they are after.
I assume that applies to liberal extremists as well. Heh heh heh, I crack myself up.
ecp, your comment posted while I was typing. GMTA.
Conservatives have been “labeled” EXTREMISTS” by the UIPARTY FOR OVER 60 YEARS. UNIPARTY “leaders” called Barry an extremists 58 years ago. Barry, UNSUCCESSFULY, tried to make if favorable to him,.
“… “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Verbatim g=from GOP convention! IMHO – A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE.
Naming 2 big UNIPARTY names: JFK, Tricky Dick.
I have been conservative for over 70 years!
sometimes the smear works for the UNIPARTY. But when GHWB called Ronny an extremist in ’79 it backfired!
Report every criminal leftist that you’ve read about…..
First up……hunter bidet……druggy that lied on his federal background check paperwork…..
and go from there.
Sure. Take a tip from ol’ Saul Alinsky hisself. Read “Rules for Radicals”.
Any of the 13 rules would apply here.
SO find your favorite “Radical Extremist” (yeah, Mittens, I’m lookin’ at YOU), gather as much PII as you can (name & address at the least), and TURN THAT SUCKER IN TO STAZIBOOK. Sow that confusion. Make heads spin. Make StaziBook retract this “Pogrom” because the “wrong” people are being turned in.
Remember “See Something, Say Something”? How much fun that was (or could have been)? And how it quietly disappeared because……?
StaziBook needs to learn that both sides can play “Let’s Turn In The Extremist”. In ways they may not like.
Have fun!
They banned me forever, I knew it was too soon.
The false pretext of “racism” is now metastasizing into “extremism”!
See how The BIG Lie works!!
100 years from History will show that this “Cultural Revolution” was just as cruel and detrimental to civilized society as any other!
I do know of an extremist who bought up a bunch of land in Hawaii. He then went to court and used the justice system to rob rightful owners of their ancestral rights to their land and then fenced it off. Only problem is that I don’t have a Facebook account and have no intent to have one. Momma didn’t raise a fool!
…hmm, let’s see here…Hillary Clinton’s on Facebook, and she’s pretty extreme *REPORTED*
…then there’s this “Obama” fellow, HE’S on Facebook and HE’S pretty extreme *REPORTED*
…then there’s AOC, and Omar, and this weird, bald Black lady, all preeetty extreme *REPORTED* *REPORTED* *REPORTED*
…and there’s this Milano woman, and this Milley guy who pretends to be a soldier, and Liz Cheney, and…
@ol ex jarhead went right to the Goldwater quote that instantly leapt into my mind. Extremism in defense of liberty is no Vice.
Hey Zuckerberg. I’m right here. Don’t send your jackbooted thugs to get me. Why don’t you do it personally?
Pencil necked faggot.
This goes so far into “Nazi and/or Bolshevik territory” that the dividing line between what is acceptable and what is demonstrably the handiwork of aspiring tyrants is no longer visible
Lol. Me too Benito. One weighs about 350. The other looks like Drew Carey when he was heavy. They have a black adopted daughter.
To paraphrase the fictional Lt. Col. Frank Slade… They’re building a rat ship there, a vessel for sea-goin’ snitches.
I’m going to kind of repeat What Anonymous said.
I’ve never joined Facebook nor Twitter nor Google.
– I always knew I would say something to get myself fired.
– I always knew they are evil companies
I don’t think I am missing much, though maybe a few stores I deal with seem to put useful information online sometimes – though I somehow manage.
I’m a veteran of Facebook jail. They can kiss my ass.
No need for Phacebook to report me. I send my rage to Biden the magnificent daily.
Patriots aren’t that hard to find. We have bumper stickers that support law enforcement and the 2nd amendment. An American flag is usually on display.
Actually, it’s easier than that. We report to our jobs bright and early.
jellybean July 1, 2021 at 4:56 pm
How about if I turn in people that are extremist but AIN’T my friends??
Let’s all turn in Humper Biden, he’s extreme in everything from hookers to crack, nothing is too extreme for him. Oh wait, he’s been outed and he’s still partying on!
I have several hilarious friends who have already been given that notice. They must have been exposed to a nude picture of Mitch Obama!
Seriously. Suckaturd and Stasi are clutching at straws now.
Report Zuckerdouche daily.
Everybody should turn in Zuckerburg and Dorsey.
That’s not all!
They link to a site called “Exit America” and all that shit is partially sponsored by the McCain Institute.
I’ll give you 2 guesses which McCain they’re talking about.
I overheard Angela Stanton King is involved, too. I don’t know if she knows she’s involved herself with sinister shit.
Dear Facebook: there’s this POS named Mark Zuckerberg I want to turn in for interrogation and disposal.
The only extremists I know of are leftists and I don’t have any leftist friends.
The other day I mentioned that I’m working on a little project — comparing the behaviors of so-called “religious” cults to today’s Leftist-run Democrat Party. Turns out that every single one that I’ve looked at so far has a facade of conventional religiosity (in the beginning, at least), but in reality is a Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Totalitarian organization. Some of them are/were tacitly so and others, explicitly. Jim Jones, for example, is on record as regarding his Christian church as a “means to an end” — a vehicle — for his Communist goals. If he ever actually considered himself a Christian, he abandoned that for atheism fairly early in his “ministry.”
(I’d like to write more about that, but don’t want to hijack the thread with this.)
Suffice to say that snitching on one’s enemies is a major function of how to keep people in line. Ratting yourself out (virtue-signalling apologies for being white, or male, or well-off financially) is simply a way to curry favor or take your punishment up front (so that you beat others to the snitching part and impress the leadership).
The people of Jonestown/Peoples Temple were big admirers of Mao’s Red Guard, struggle sessions (Jones called it being “on the floor” or “catharsis”), and ratting out people for petty rule-breaking earned the person points. Snitching is a balm for a paranoid leader’s psyche.
FACEperv plays “misdirection,” from its pervy boss’s troubles. 😡