Faces of Detroit – IOTW Report

Faces of Detroit

I saw a post on American Digest that showed properties in Detroit and their demise. I decided to do a little Google Street Viewing for myself-

fodteaserMORE PICS —>HERE



15 Comments on Faces of Detroit

  1. 10,000 lawnmowers for sale EVERY spring & summer weekend at Lowes, Home Depot, Big Bear, Ace Hardware, John Deere, and other places… yet NO ONE in DEE-troit apparently gets a DAILY sales circular in the mail? 😕

    OR knows how to operate one. 🙄

  2. When my dipshit next door neighbor abandoned his house and mortgage I spent an extra 15 minutes a week cutting the grass and other minor things to keep the property presentable. Four years later a nice family lives in the house – they got a heck of a foreclosure deal.

  3. The closest I’ve ever been to Detroit was at the airport when I had to change Delta flights to fly to Virginia Beach last fall. That was good enough for me. My daughter applied to go a law school in Detroit a few years ago and was accepted, boy did we we ever talk out of that nonsense real fast.

  4. Bob M., All I can say is I will mow the house next door while it’s empty – for my sake.

    But I’ll be damned if I’m going around town looking for abandoned properties to mow on lonely abandoned streets. Which sounds like what you are suggesting.

    The properties in question here have no caretakers – so who are you talking about that should be mowing them?

    Let them go feral and scrape them with bulldozers. Or vice versa.

  5. Like my wife’s Nonno (Italian grandpa) used to say, even if you’re poor, nobody can stop you from being clean, wetting a rag to wipe things down, or using a shovel to remove weeds and turn over the dirt around a tree in your yard or on your block.

    The problem is Welfare, in all of its various forms. When what you have was given and not earned, you simply don’t care about it.

    Welfare Is deeply, deeply anti-human and cruel beyond belief.

    It has quite literally produced millions of sub-humans.

  6. Mowing the abandoned house next door is one thing, but mowing random abandoned houses seems to me looking for trouble. Somehow some way that would bite you in the butt.

    IE, mow over something on the property and damage it. Catch a rock with the mower and throw it into a window. Neighbor calls you in for trespassing. Some weird legal loophole you never imagined causing a legal nightmare of some sort. Some banger sees you mowin’ and thinks you on their turf. Some banger thinks you’re associated with the enemy banger that used to live there, starts trouble. Over ‘roided police think you’re up to no good, brutally arrest you and haul you in for lookin’ suspicious or somthun.

    Hey, it’s deetroit, you never know.

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