Faces of Stupid – Daniell Rider – IOTW Report

Faces of Stupid – Daniell Rider

<———- This moron, like the college students at the Dean’s dinner party for incoming freshman, is offended by cotton.

This was at Hobby Lobby, and online moufbreafers are calling for a, yawnnnnnnnnn, boycott of the store.

A commenter on Facebook mockingly called for a boycott of Home Depot because they sell ropes and chains.

The idiot Rider says the cotton decor is “wrong on so many levels.” Name two.

I’m in the mood to trigger this bint —->


54 Comments on Faces of Stupid – Daniell Rider

  1. I was triggered by the yuge frickin
    water moccasin snake. I was a land surveyor
    for 6 years in coastal SC.Killed a few vipers
    and have seen many as they disappeared into the
    weed infested swamp…

  2. Hey, why is she appropriating whitey’s orthodontia?
    Also the dreads are appropriating Jamaican Rasta Culture, as I am sure she has no idea who Haile Selassie or Jah is.
    And Glass and optics were invented by whitey as well

  3. “Do you think she knows that if we get rid of everything that reminds us of slavery that she has to leave?” – hanoverfist

    Actually, the Left has trained ME to be SO OFFENDED by “slavery,” that *I* now *demand* that ALL BLACKS be removed from the USA, because THEY remind ME of slavery!

    Being “offended” works both ways, toots.

  4. OMG! I’m wearing a white cotton T-shirt right now. The racism!!! Boycott Haynes for making racist choneys.

    Wait, I’ve got a better idea. Let’s boycott colleges for making stupid people.

  5. I just read this yesterday in an article (here?): “Trust fund rioter.” She’s wearing braces and taking a selfie with (probably) an iPhone. I don’t know if her glasses are needed or fake, but there are no frames large enough to make up for her ignorance. And the Africa earring? Is she from Africa or is she just signalling solidarity with Africa? Does she know that her ancestors, if they were slaves, were the commodity of African slave merchants?

    And Africa today?

    “Slavery in the Sahel region (and to a lesser extent the Horn of Africa), exist along the racial and cultural boundary of Arabized Berbers in the north and darker Africans in the south.[1] Slavery in the Sahel states of Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan in particular, continues a centuries-old pattern of hereditary servitude. Other forms of traditional slavery exist in parts of Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria. There are other, non-traditional forms of slavery in Africa today, mostly involving human trafficking and the enslavement of child soldiers and child labourers, e.g. human trafficking in Angola, and human trafficking of children from Togo, Benin and Nigeria to Gabon and Cameroon.[2]

    Modern day slavery in Africa according to the Anti-Slavery Society includes exploitation of subjugate populations even when their condition is not technically called “slavery”:

    Although this exploitation is often not called slavery, the conditions are the same. People are sold like objects, forced to work for little or no pay and are at the mercy of their “employers”.
    — Antislavery Society, What is Modern Slavery

    Forced labor in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated at 660,000.[3] This includes people involved in the illegal diamond mines of Sierra Leone and Liberia, which is also a direct result of the civil war in these regions.[4]” ~Wikipedia

    Go ahead, sugar, boycott a store at which you probably never shopped.

  6. A product that if it were not for it’s need to be harvested this moron wouldn’t be in this veritable paradise we live but rather, would be living in some hell hole dying of malnutrition or malaria somewhere on the African continent These people are fucking stupid and so is anyone who listens or panders to this horse shit.

  7. I hope she can find a synthetic substitute for cotton balls for make-up removal! And how does she even sleep at night if she has…gasp!…cotton sheets?! Cotton, cotton, everywhere!!!!

  8. @Moe, funny enough, Eli Whitney’s (a Yankee abolitionist) invention of the gin made raising cotton suddenly very profitable to Plantation owners.
    This caused a yuge surge in the slave trade.
    Talk about your unintended consciences.

  9. Not unusual to use seasonal natural material for decorations. (The pioneers didn’t have Hobby Lobby.) I have seen my mother stop my the country road to gather wildflowers for her ladies clyb. And cotton would have fit right in.

    So ungrateful. I wonder didd anyone write a gracious thank you note for their evening?

  10. Classic example of an obedient little communist. Trained to be triggered by any issue her leaders deem relevant. Race, culture and religion are mechanisms used to incite resentment and division. She is programmed, psychologically dressed in a “cute” culturally appropriated brown shirt, to turn on anyone who does not go along with commie doctrine.

  11. Took the wife to Hobby Lobby today solely to see if they had them or if they removed them. They had them, and wife took pictures to post on her FB page to give the family and friends a good laugh.
    Spent a little money there too just to show some support.

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