Fact Check TRUE: They are the Enemy of the People – IOTW Report

Fact Check TRUE: They are the Enemy of the People

Patriot Retort: Some random dude posts a video on Facebook that mocks Nancy Pelosi. And the so-called Free Press is on it!

Daily Beast “reporters” discovered the guy’s identity and exposed him to the world – all because he made fun of a politician they love.

So, I think there’s no doubt that President Trump is right. These toxic piles of garbage are the Enemy of the People.

When you run interference for a politician by exposing and doxing a private citizen, you’re the Enemy of the People.

When you shield the powerful by exposing and shaming the powerless, you are the Enemy of the People.

The purpose of a Free Press is to hold the powerful to account.  A press that exposes private citizens to protect the powerful is not a Free Press by any stretch of the imagination.

The Daily Beast should be ashamed.  But they’re not.  In fact, they’re super proud of themselves that they dragged a random guy into the spotlight – not because this guy committed a crime.  But because this guy dared to make fun of the most powerful woman in Washington.  more here

9 Comments on Fact Check TRUE: They are the Enemy of the People

  1. Just watched NY Sen. Gillibrand at a Town Hall in Iowa. One question Chrisy Wallace FOX, never asked: “Are you a flake’?
    She is a phucking flake, and an idiot.
    The NRA is the worst Org. in the world. Seven children died at the border under Trump.
    But she’s bangable.

  2. The Press has been the enemy of THE AMERICAN people for at least 71 years. Prior to ’48 I could not read + understand the Hate America lies The Press printed as “news”. By ’48 I knew The Press hated Americans! And it has for 70 years, the MSM is America’s enemy right noe!


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