Fact-checking the Democrats’ ‘Empathy’ – IOTW Report

Fact-checking the Democrats’ ‘Empathy’


After four nights of their virtual convention that deceptively used the state of Wisconsin in their logo even though candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris didn’t deign to set one foot in the Badger State, it’s clear that Democratic strategists decided that “Empathy” was to be the word of the day, every day, every hour and every minute of every cliched bromide uttered by every speaker presented to the American people.


They all talked about it.

“Empathy” must have been market-tested, polled, and sampled to undecided voters to determine what message would hit hardest against Trump and in favor of the Dems.

We are to believe that Donald Trump lacks empathy for the American people. We are to believe that Republicans and their mean-spirited, free market, capitalist policies leave the American people feeling that the party of Lincoln doesn’t care about them or their needs or their feelings.


10 Comments on Fact-checking the Democrats’ ‘Empathy’

  1. To concede sincerity to Democrats, either individually or collectively, is something I learned along the way to no longer do. It’s a trap.

    I find it best to have nothing to do with them. Double that for establishment Republicans.

  2. Well the word of the day sure as hell wasn’t going to be gravitas!
    They beat that one into the ground a few years back and they know this year’s candidates sure don’t have that!

  3. Empathy is a very nice trait in a king or queen … in that kind of feudal government. Empathy is a very nice trait in the landed aristocracy of a king’s or queen’s peers … in that kind of feudal society.

    In a free country empathy in an elected official is just a rationalization for violating the rights of some people to give privileges to their voting base.

  4. Bill Clinton said “I feel your pain” in 1992, and Hillary Clinton said we should empathize with our terrorist enemies in 2016. I guess we know who still controls the Democrat party in 2020.

    Bill will take his coffee black and Hillary wants cream and sugar, Barky. Chop chop!

  5. Empathy?! Empathy?! A friggin democrat wouldn’t know empathy if it bit him in the ass. The only empathy they know is empathy for the devil.

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
    But what’s confusing you
    Is just the nature of my game

    Just as every cop is a criminal
    And all the sinners saints
    As heads is tails
    Just call me Lucifer

    Cause I’m in need of some restraint
    So if you meet me
    Have some courtesy
    Have some EMPATHY, and some taste

    Use all your well-learned politesse
    Or I’ll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

    But what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
    Woo, who
    Oh yeah, get on down

    Oh yeah
    Oh yeah!
    Tell me baby, what’s my name

  6. Sympathy For The Devil is the one Rolling Stones song I have hated ever since I first heard it back in the 60’s. That and A Friend Of The Devil Is A Friend Of Mine by the Grateful Dead. I have no use for songs that worship the Devil, never have and never will. White Rabbit is up there as well as most of On The Threshold Of A Dream by the Moody Blues, mostly because of the sitar music and all the transcendental meditation bs.

  7. I didn’t intend to make an issue out of Geoff’s comment, but in the course of doing a little research on the song I found a very interesting analysis. And this is in no way intended to stoke the fire, but merely share what I found because it intrigued me.

    From lyricinterpretations.com – one of the interpretations:

    “…Have Sympathy for the Devil because THE DEVIL IS YOU!
    Forgive yourself for YOU are the root of good and evil
    Whats my name? the devil asks
    its your name fill in the blank……….

    So, that was not what intrigued me. What intrigued me was a comment that responded to that “interpretation”:

    “…Just as God is not a God afar off, Devil/Lucifer/Satan is not a “god” afar off either. Both are two sides of the same coin and both are WITHIN you. Two sides of your own soul. They live in you, as you, and ARE YOU. The Devil in scripture is allegory for the human ego. It’s who you BELIEVE yourself to be when in fact it is a lie.

    Devil/Satan/Ego is the great deceiver. But Christ IN YOU is the hope of glory and your true Divine identity. Christ, which is the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24)… God/Source itself… is who you really are, the very breath and spirit of your life. There is only God. There is nothing BUT God/Source in the entire universe. But the Devil/Ego, the great deceiver, wants to keep you in bondage to the lie of who you believe yourself to be. Imperfect. Mortal. Flesh and blood. Prideful. Powerful. In control.

    But when the truth and remembrance of who you really are begins to resurrect in you, as it will eventually for all humankind, you will make the great Exodus out of the land of Egypt (ignorance/darkness) into the Promised Land of light and understanding and truth. The TRUTH of who you really are, a Divine spark of God. That will set you free from the lie of who you once believed yourself to be.

    Brilliant song and lyrics, way ahead of it’s time and definitely took balls to put out there as another posted above. The world at large would rather lay blame for the atrocities of history – past, present, and future history – on some Devil or entity outside of themselves. When in fact “it was you and me” all along. It’s all symbolism and allegory. And until mankind comes to the understanding that we are all literally ONE appearing as the many in legions of forms and expressions, and that when we destroy another we always destroy our own self as well, it will continue ad infinitum.

    Lucifer is bragging that all the horror mankind has brought on to itself was his influence that made men turn from god. Since god only banished him and let him loose on mankind its like a competition with god for souls. We better get a clue cause it seems he is actually going to be front and center sooner than we realize. So much hate has consumed us for as long as god gave us free will.i have met lucifer and was easily influenced to the darkness.thankfully becoming close to dying from self inflicted disease I saw the truth and got back to god. If and when I meet lucifer again I will treat him like I would treat anyone cause I know his tricks

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