Fake AI Generated Images of President Trump’s Arrest Hit the Internet – IOTW Report

Fake AI Generated Images of President Trump’s Arrest Hit the Internet


Former President Donald Trump wrote on Truth Social Saturday that he was due to be arrested in Manhattan on Tuesday, and urged his supporters to “protest.”

Trump’s prediction didn’t pan out, but a flood of AI-generated images fulfilled his prophecy, going viral as an ironic joke, and misinterpreted by many as sincere. More

10 Comments on Fake AI Generated Images of President Trump’s Arrest Hit the Internet

  1. Not only are the hands not very good, some of the people in the background have unnaturally long necks and blurred, misshapen heads.
    Trump’s head doesn’t fit quite right on his shoulders either.

  2. In the last 80 years the only Presodemt hated mpre than Don was Ronny. Ronny dead almost 2 decades still lied about hatefully by Murdock – Fos, NYPost, WSJ….!

    Told this before, but it typifies liberal hate of Ronny. Post blamed Ronny for ND giving uneducated athletes diplomas. Only Bush and Rove said it was true. Most said lie. NYT was so unhappy that most said lie that they coined the moniker “Teflon President” for Ronny.

    That so many of “our betters” hate Don , to me, means he did well by us serfs!

  3. Evidence has no bearing on persecution.
    Using the law as a cudgel is, from time immemorial, a practice of tyranny.

    “The Thirty” of Athens killed in the Forum – they even dragged guys away from the sacred altars (which were considered sanctuary) and murdered them.
    The SS was the supreme arbiter of SS misdeeds – and the GESTAPO ran their own courts – with no appeals. The NKVD and KGB murdered mostly on the sly – kidnapping, quietly murdering, then disposing of the bodies. So far, the FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, Capitol Police, SS, and Marshall’s Service murder in broad daylight and evade responsibility, usually, through lies and covers from the political class and the media. However, Seth Rich and Vince Foster were killed on the sly.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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