False Flagging the Canadian Revolution – IOTW Report

False Flagging the Canadian Revolution

It’s the oldest trick in the book, but becoming increasingly difficult to pull off, discredit your political opponents by smearing them as racists and bigots. How do you do that when they aren’t racists and bigots? You put your own guy in there to poison the well, and you send your personal photographer there to “document it.”

Is that what happened here?

15 Comments on False Flagging the Canadian Revolution

  1. Not for anything, but the Confederate flag is the perfect symbol for protests and rebellion, not an endorsement of slavery. Even if a legitimate protester is carrying a Confederate flag it does not mean they support the control of black slaves, a system perfected Democrats years ago. Meanwhile, ANTIFA can carry with impunity the Hammer and Sickle flag, a symbol which enslaved or killed millions.

  2. People are waking up to this tactic and not falling for it.

  3. I swear, some news outlets are saying that Putin & Russia are behind the Trucker Protest.


    They are also calling upside down flags desecration which is pure horse shit.

  4. What is with Canadians trying to use slavery, confederates, and the klan like this? YOU guys had NONE of that!

    I’m sure you have your own national sins tho. The French and Indian wars maybe? I dunno, I’m not a Canadian.

    …just come up with your OWN White Guilt symbolism, is all I’m saying, not crap that happened 150 years ago in a different country. You’re like the little kid wearing his big brother’s football jersy and claiming its his when its obviously not, except in this case the jersy is a hair shirt, it’s just embarrassing for everyone involved so quit making a fool of yourself Canada and do your OWN atrocities…

  5. The problem is not false flags. Never has been. The problem is allowing traitors cucks to have a say. Always has been.

    When those that call you “enemy” say “You’re not worshiping us hard enough!”, and those who self-identify as “One of ‘us'” (you get no say, in their self-identity) say “You know, they’ve got a point.” (more commonly phrased as “That’s not who we are! and/or “Reeeeee!”), the traitorous “us” need a beat down. They deserve a ditching. But you at least need to give them their prop(er beating)s. And. Kick. Them. Out!

  6. “What is with Canadians trying to use slavery, confederates, and the klan like this? YOU guys had NONE of that!”

    Thank you for saying that.

    That was my very first reaction when seeing this failed agent provocateur.

    Once again, it shows how their minds think. Just the symbol is enough! Never mind that it makes no sense and far from having the “ring of truth” to it.

    Sad part is their real audience will buy most of it, and when even knowing it’s fake, approve of the ploy.

    My suggestion for conservative-leaning gatherings.

    Have at least one person per 200-300 people that is equipped with a small pump-spray bottle with something strongly aromatic and stinky in it. Like fake farts, fake poop, skunk, something extremely putrid.

    Then mark these people. Spraying him in the mouth opening (I notice he wears sun glasses) may bring legal actions, but then the provocateur-perp would be publicly identified. Very publicly. I doubt he would let any charges be pressed against anyone causing him problems for this very reason.

    But the guy would be marked if sprayed in the mouth area, even if he took off his mask and changed clothes. His day would be done.

    He would be shunned just on smell alone if he stayed. One way to extract the BS without harming them physically.

    I’m all for a push on little pump spray bottles becoming a part of crowd integrity. It could happen.


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