Fani Willis Is a Horrible Person Because You’re Racist – IOTW Report

Fani Willis Is a Horrible Person Because You’re Racist

Fani Willis Suggests Racism Fueled Bombshell Allegations About Improper Relationship With Special Attorney

22 Comments on Fani Willis Is a Horrible Person Because You’re Racist

  1. Claiming to be unethical and a crook because of one’s melanin content suggests that race has something to do with being unethical/a crook, doesn’t it?

    I don’t know, but that sounds racist, to me.

    If a white guy suggested that she’s a crook because of her melanin content, that would be considered racist, wouldn’t it?

    Do these racist maggots ever listen to themselves?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So, it’s “racism” eh? No, you tub o’lard, it’s because you’re a corrupt POS and should be allowed to get away with crap that normal honest people wouldn’t even think of doing. ‘Nuff said. ;^#

  3. Fuck her color – she’s just a dumb, corupt piece of shit who is a great embarassment to blacks who are not, let alone to anyone of any races who are not. Her trying to pull this bullshit seals it.

  4. No judgement on the color of her (?) skin, but the content of her character. Heard that somewhere, by another preacher….

    And by her felonious actions she is known as a POS shill.

  5. The most stunning aspect about this evil, obese, pig faced turd colored twat is that any male, don’t care what color, would actually stick his dick in her stench pot. She probably had to stuff her no doubt cavernous and stinking hee haw with $100 dollar bills before that bro could perform.. Barf.


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