Fast Food Not Fast Enough For Guys Who Probably Take Their Time Walking in Front of Your Car – IOTW Report

Fast Food Not Fast Enough For Guys Who Probably Take Their Time Walking in Front of Your Car

Ya, we get it. You have no self-esteem because inside you know you’re illiterate good-for-nothings. It’s tough to behave civilized when you have zero going for you because you bought into the lies of liberalism.


The three men went into the McDonalds in the Chantilly Shopping Center at about 9 p.m. Thursday. When their food was not ready, an argument broke out. One man pulled up his shirt to show a gun in his waistband and threatened to kill the employees, according to a statement from Fairfax County Police.

After leaving the restaurant, the three men were arrested nearby.

Kyle Emmanuel Harris, 19, of Chantilly was charged with brandishing a weapon, simple assault, possession of marijuana and disorderly conduct.

Erisk Cruz, 18, of Centreville was charged with possession of a controlled substance and disorderly conduct.

Brian Abrego, 18, of Manassas was charged with disorderly conduct.

ht/ fdr in hell

What’s life worth to these cretins? He didn’t get his nuggets fast enough so you will die.

Black Lives Matter implies all black lives matter.

They don’t.



27 Comments on Fast Food Not Fast Enough For Guys Who Probably Take Their Time Walking in Front of Your Car

  1. It’s not life, but rather entitlement, that matters to them.
    Not that they could *spell* the word….

    THIS is what spoiled children become,
    when never taught to grow up.

  2. “teen criminals” age 18,18, and 19. Adults, not “teens” People quit being teens at 17, even 15 year old can be charged as an adult.

    If this happened in California, all of those charges have recently been reclassified as misdemeanors with fines. Apparently armed robbery is just a misdemeanor now. Got to protect aliens and minorities from serious charges.

  3. Guys (and Ladies)- I sorely apologize for being off topic, but if you live on the eastern coast of the US, check out Mike’s Weather Page on Facebook. He’s currently “live”. Excellent source of info.

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