Fast Food Worker Rubs Bun On Floor Before Making Burger – IOTW Report

Fast Food Worker Rubs Bun On Floor Before Making Burger

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The worker was fired.

Let’s give a living wage to these illiterate nasty ass low-skill morons. Let’s pay $15 an hour to an animal.

Secondly, and I’m not sure anyone is talking about this, what does she say at 14 seconds? Can we get Barbara Billingsley to interpret?


Does she say “that’s for that cracker, baby”?

ht/ rob e.

25 Comments on Fast Food Worker Rubs Bun On Floor Before Making Burger

  1. Someone needs to force this pig to lick the floor himself.
    Anyone who has ever worked at a restaurant kitchen knows how disgusting the floor gets.
    Your shoes actually deteriorate rapidly at work.
    And forget the smell.

    Maybe the Spite House needs a new chef?

  2. Keep digging that hole negroes. No wonder no one wants to hire you. Jesus… I know there are people of all races who do this kind of shit. But to video it and upload it shows such a brazen of any kind of moral awareness that it just makes me think that any place I go to with young blacks behind the counter is not getting my business ever.

  3. Concerning anyone who did that to my food, my first inclination would be to beat them to a bloody pulp. The more rational course of action I would likely take is to hire a good shark attorney and go after every penny I could get.

  4. Wonder how it would pan out if Twitter absolutely EXPLODED with rants and OUTRAGE over this and how the person should be jailed, made to eat fouled food and, since she was already fired, traced to wherever she worked and management reminded that she did this, boycotts threatened on their business until they fired her.

    I just WISH someone would then lecture these tweeters about things like “due process” and “premature judgment.”

  5. Before I read your comment, Dave, I was thinking about the seriousness of the crime, and its potential consequences. In my home town, two fast food places went under because of similar employee crimes. Of course, that was a long time ago, and at least one of them was an even more grotesque act (a solo-working employee ejaculated on a pizza within view of a camera), but the effect on the business was immediate and devastating. Robots will be a welcome replacement for some restaurant owners.

  6. Never accept food or drink from people of color. They hate you and think nothing of harming you. I walk in, see people like that behind the counter, and I walk out. If they don’t poison you they’ll try to jump you in the parking lot. Let them serve their shit to their own kind. Sub human assholes.

  7. It is absolutely unfair to associate this turd with every fast-food worker with a comment like “Let’s give a living wage to these illiterate nasty ass low-skill morons. Let’s pay $15 an hour to an animal.”

    There’s a lot of people in the fast-food industry that aren’t represented by this asshole.

    This is exactly how the left does it when one psycho-fuck uses a gun to kill a bunch of helpless people in a gun-free zone and then makes a sarcastic, broad-brush comment like, “this is why nobody should have the right to keep and bear arms.”

    Don’t fall into that retardedness.

  8. Perhaps, but is it a risk you are willing to take? It’s just common sense anymore. I don’t want to paint the entire race this way, but what choice do any of us have? You can’t trust people who express their hatred for you daily with your health, or your well being.

  9. But there are also a lot who are represented her, and how can you tell who is who? Do the good ones have a righteous glow about them that lets you know they won’t wipe their ass on your food? Of course not. So what is your all inclusive, utopian, kumbiya alternative?

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