Fast Track Is Back To the Senate – What Can You Do To Defeat Fast Track? – IOTW Report

Fast Track Is Back To the Senate – What Can You Do To Defeat Fast Track?

Ted Cruz’s and Marco Rubio’s presidential aspirations are on the line with this upcoming vote.

ht/ kpark

Screen Shot 2015-06-19 at 1.07.29 PMFire up the telephones. Switchboard in DC:  202-224-3121


25 Comments on Fast Track Is Back To the Senate – What Can You Do To Defeat Fast Track?

  1. I thought I heard Sen. Jeff Sessions say on Hannity yesterday, (Thur.) that it had already passed and that we were basically stuck with it. Did I misunderstand? That seems to happen alot these days!

  2. I will NOT vote for ANYONE who supported this disaster, EVEN IF THEY ARE THE BETTER OF BAD CHOICES.

    Without letting the public see what’s in this TREATY, or before many voting on the bill have even READ it, the legislation will surrender MORE power to a TYRANT.


    God, forgive me for my anger and language. Amen.

  3. I love when people say, “Well, you’re just against anything Obama would want, period.” To which I’d reply, “That’s a pretty friggin’ iron-clad, rock solid barometer!”
    Time and time again it’s been proven that if Barack HUSSEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama is for it, then it’s bad for America. He NEVER has the interest of the country in mind with any policy.

  4. Anonymous, thank you.

    I was lucky to serve under Reagan, was part of the last major sea battle (Operation Praying Mantis / Persian Gulf), when we took NO SH!T, and put many Iranian sailors to their graves at the bottom of the Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, and were done by lunchtime.

    What country this is becoming is anyone’s guess.

  5. Not a huge Trump fan, but since American Politics is now a circus…why not? At least I can enjoy the show in front of me rather than feel the pain of backstabbing republicans. Bye Bye Cruz.

  6. I’m confused… is rabidly against this deal and claim it will be a victory for republicans and they are also asking to melt the phone lines to kill the deal. What’s up with that?

  7. Ted Cruz knows what he’s doing and he will be our next President so I’m not worried. I find it amazing that so many Conservatives seem to be giving up on him when he needs us the most. Conservatives have wanted a man like Cruz since Reagan, we get him and people start jumping ship over one thing he does, most likely without any idea of what it really is. If Jesus Christ was running for President I’m sure he would do something that would piss off some Conservatives. Get a grip!

  8. Bull shit, Reagan would have, and did fix the systemic problems and watched the economy come back. Why are we having amateurs negotiate trade deals. I made a lot of money during the Reagan revival and he got government out of our way. That’s not even close to what’s taking place here.

  9. The party’s over. The Republic is dead. Lotta meat left on the carcass, but the Chinks and the Caliphate are gonna eat that up, pretty quickly. The plunder and rapine are just beginning.

    Obola’s succeeded and the rest of the oligarchs are goose-stepping to his drum. They’re stuffing their bank accounts and don’t give a flying fuck about any of the rest of us. This “trade deal” is a “treason deal” that is about the $20 Trillion debt and the $200 Trillion unfunded liabilities – why do you suppose it’s a secret?

    A secret fucking trade deal? In a Republic – of the People, by the People, and for the People? Make any fucking sense at all?

    Look out Greece! Look out Cyprus!
    Here we come!

    Think Europe’s a shit hole of wogs and ragheads?
    You ain’t seen nuthin, yet!

  10. Don’t throw Cruz under the bus for being OK with fast-track, that’s not the problem. The trade treaty is, and they are two very different animals.

    Let me offer a contrary position. TPA (fast track) and TPP (the actual trade treaty) are two different things. TPA is the vehicle that allows a president to negotiate a pact without PRIOR ( not later, we will come to that) approval of the details by congress. Other countries wouldn’t bother to negotiate with us if they essentially had to negotiate with congress. This also been in place for a very long time, this is just a re-authorization of a previously allowed power. Later, congress reviews the treaty and modifies it, denies it or approves it. The real problems are with the hidden TPP not the TPA fast track. Even the disgusting TPP will have to be reviewed in the light. The president doesn’t have the power to commit the nation to a treaty, only negotiate it.

  11. They’ve been in “negotiations” for 6 years and what Obola wants through “fast track” authority is to maintain the fiction until the moment of an “up or down” vote which would preclude the Senate from picking it apart.

    And you can bet your last dollar that it contains enough graft, corruption, and pork to please the most recalcitrant oligarch, thief, or liar.

    You only hide that of which you’re ashamed.

    We’re being sold out – you heard it here, first – iOTWreport.

  12. My two Senators are in the bag for both the Farmers and Chin-less. They are going to vote aye no matter what the consequences or end result of their actions They no longer give one damn what the majority of voters who elected them want. Will have to see how it works out, in their next election, for their hoped for lifetime of tax payer funded fun, games and largesse!

  13. To those who are “for” Obamatrade because Cruz is for it, I ask:

    1. Do you understand WHO the 11 other countries are that we are “negotiating” with? Who’s winning on the import / export “balance” sheet? Have you seen some of these countries’ history on currency manipulation and trade violations?
    2. So you agree with taking away Congress power to amend and debate trade agreements with these 11 countries?
    3. Do you know that the 11 countries will not sign until Congress agrees to this largely unread legislation?
    4. You agree to lowering the Senate pass threshold from 61 to 51 votes?

    Read Cruz’s statements closely. He is hand-waving.

    Listen to Mark Levin and many others who have made rational points about this deal that further sells America (or what’s left of it) down the river.

    Cruz used to be on my short list. No longer. But hell, I’m only one vote.

  14. Magnum,
    Unfortunately this is quickly evolving into a process of elimination. And they are dropping like flies. And the guy or gal that could perhaps do this country the most good may not be electable.

  15. I hear you. I don’t know enough about the trade deal to be for it or against it I just believe Cruz is a man of his word who loves God, the Constitution and America.

  16. Can’t understand why Ted is for this, especially after reading Jim DeMint’s editorial criticizing this bill. People are saying its because he’s in the bag for farmers, but this is the same guy who told a bunch of farmers in Iowa that he was opposed to subsidies for ethanol.

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