Fauci: Getting A China Virus Vaccine Will Not Mean You Have ‘Free Pass To Travel’ – IOTW Report

Fauci: Getting A China Virus Vaccine Will Not Mean You Have ‘Free Pass To Travel’

It’s “not a good idea to travel, period.”
Suddenly, Dr. Anthony Fauci is everywhere.

24 Comments on Fauci: Getting A China Virus Vaccine Will Not Mean You Have ‘Free Pass To Travel’

  1. “Fauci: Getting A China Virus Vaccine Will Not Mean You Have ‘Free Pass To Travel’”

    First it was two weeks to flatten the curve. Then it was just ’til we get a vaccine (back when they thought a vaccine was at least 3 or 4 years away). This shit is never gonna end. Too many politicians are having too much fun with the power they’ve bestowed upon themselves, and the Chinese have seen the damage that they can do — and that we will do to ourselves — over even such a relatively minor virus. I’d be willing to bet that this becomes their new method of diplomacy (which is to say, do what China wants, or they release something nasty and we start the whole cycle all over again).

  2. Brad, 10:29 –
    That was the first 8-track that I bought as an impressionable yoot… was listening with headphones, rolling around on the floor laughing my ass off. Mom wondered what was so funny, pulled the headphone jack and listened for just a few seconds before she yanked the tape out of the deck, and slowly pulled all its guts out.
    Good times.
    (Sorry for the O.T.)

  3. Outdoorjohn Shrugged

    That’s a great story. We’re the same age. Fagory On The High Seas was on that tape too. You can still find it, but they call it Buggery on the High Seas, and any word containing FAG has been dubbed out. How fragile these little pussies have become. Nothings funny anymore.

  4. Before the shot: No travel, social distancing, mask wearing, can contract and spread covid.
    After the shot: all the same, except you’ve also been injected with something.

  5. It ended when I told it to end!

    I don’t need fuckstick to tell me when it is over.

    Yes, see how easy it is?

    It won’t be long before some enterprising young fellow sells forged vaccine papers.

  6. Does anybody still listen to this Lysenko quack?
    What fikkin shit-pile did they dig him out of, anyway?
    Geez – put him back – typically – no credibility – no sense – no continuity – no honesty – no honor – no nothing! – another empty, lying, worthless sack-of-shit.

    Truly amazing how we stand around and bleat.
    (yeah, me too)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The only good thing about this evil little commie dwarf Dr. Death Fauci is that this human shit stain is 80 years old. That means he will not be around much longer to inflict death on the American people because even he is subject to the laws of Nature. Amazing that this human pond scum is the highest paid government employee with a yearly salary of $407,000 paid by us.

    If Fauci had been around during World War 2 he would have been one of the Nazi doctors conducting horrific experiments on inmates at a concentration camp. Yes, that is how evil this sawed off demon really is. When he dies his worthless remains should be trucked to the nearest landfill. He is human garbage.

  8. Not news to me.

    Turdeau & his scum have already stated this about 3 months ago.

    Pat attention to what what they are doing up here. It is the small test bed they use before they roll out policies in the US.


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