DR. FAUCI: “That issue with masks is people want to fire me or put me in jail for what I’ve done. Namely, follow the science.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 9, 2021
“It’s preposterous.”
29 Comments on Fauci Laughs About People Wanting to “Put Him In Jail”
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Actually I want to see him hanging from a lamp post until his bodily limbs no longer hold themselves together. Then gather the parts up and unceremoniously deliver them to the nearest dump. Then fire him.
No, I want you tried and executed for millions of dead from purposefully funding gain of function research.
…what DID happen to Dr. Mengele, anyway?
…that’s actually pretty disappointing. I hope for more – dramatic – things for THIS guy, who’s killed more worldwide than all the Hitler Nazis COMBINED…
I’m going back to read Roman history.
Those guys were masters at torture and death.
Very innovative methods, if I recall.
Dreaming of slapping that smirk off the douchbag’s face.
I’ve got this under control…
Nothing worse than having his worthless book sold in the discount bin at Costco is going to happen to Doctor Swampy Deep State. He helped the Dementiacrats elect Dementia Joe and Kalamity by extending the fifteen days to slow the spread of the Wuhan Bat Soup ChiComVirus to more than one year, and that gave them the opportunity to flood all those corrupt big cities with phony write in ballots.
I always thought the rat in a pail upside down on someones stomach with hot coals on the bottom of the pail that causes the rat to dig its way out from the heat would be a good for special cases like this one. Sick
JUNE 10, 2021 AT 7:53 AM
…I kind of like the rat box, where a guy is strapped into a box that has gates for different sections like feet, legs, knees, pelvis, etc., and the rats are introduced at the feet and allowed to consume them, with bleeding control measures but no pain relief: then the rata are allowed into the next section, then the next, then the next…I’ve heard no one makes it past the crotch, which makes sense because bleeding control becomes problematic there, but it sounds like a good way to put him down to me…
…althogh one thing I DON’T like is that he can’t SEE it. You want to maximize visual input too. Perhaps let them gnaw his eyelids off FIRST and then use modern methods like cameras or even mirrors to give him front-row seats would be good too, but cameras are so…impersonal…
…Flaying is a good option too. This is where you cut and pull the skin off a living man like you’re taking a jacket off him, but with knives to cut into it and peel it away from the head down. It too could be done before a mirror so he could watch as his human visage is stripped away…he’ll HAVE to watch when his eyelids come off…and it is VERY painful because skin is where most of the nerves are, but death comes slowly because it’s exsanguination through relatively small capillaries, so you could, say, hand him his face as you continue down his body and maybe even let him try to put it back on again for a laugh.
…breaking on a wheel is good and low tech too, and can be VERY public. You take a guy and tie him to a wagon wheel, the kind with wooden spokes and a big hub, and then go around the outside with a sledgehammer, smashing his bones in his arms and legs to jelly, BUT don’t break the skin or open major vessels. You can also break his back, but it’s probably better not to so he can feel what’s next. Because what’s next is that you untie him as he can’t run any more, then use his bone-filled flesh tunes that USED to be arms and legs to tie him to the wagon wheel again, but THIS time with his own flesh. Then, you raise it on a pole in the center of town, with him still living on it, and let the crows and the buzzards eat him alive from there. You do it right, it could take a long time to die.
Another way to start the festivities that isn’t lethal…you do other things later for that…is to place him on a table, then dislocate his hips and shoulders. This makes his arms and legs useless. Then leave the room with the door open and watch the fun if he tries to escape. Put a chicken on his chest tricked out with cockfighing spikes after sprinkling mealworms on his face for extra fun before you leave, but make sure you record it all.
Then there’s always the good, honest wood chipper, but insert feet-first so we can see his expression…
…there’s stuff you can do with automotive tools too, but I wouldn’t want to get all up into that because it’s a lot of cleaning afterwards and pneumatics don’t like blood, so I’ll leave it at that…
Monsters such as Fauci, Mengele, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hoxha, Merriam, the Ortega Bros., Maricon, Maduro, Chavez, O’Cortez, Mugabe, and a host of others rarely have to face justice – or at least human justice – there’s no way that they can escape Divine justice, whether or not they believe in it.
izlamo delenda est …
Yeah, Rats-they were in “1984” too.
Both the animal & human kind.
…there’s also good ol’ crucifixion. Probably too good for this vermin to die as the Lord died, but it sounds like a good mode of death for scum like him. This is a great description of it from a wonderful movie, “Risen”, that I very much recommend as a good Christian movie about what happened AFTER the crucifixion, even if you DON’T think this little sadist we’re talking about above should be literally crucified…
“issue”…I’ve grown to hat that word as a substitute from “problem” or “crime”.
And “masks” are just the tip of your iceberg, goblin. The lockdowns, the false positives, the faked covid deaths, the empty hospitals, the empty hospital ships, the unused emergency tents, the deafly genetic tinkering and the suppression of cheap proven therapeutics which would have knocked this virus on its ass in a month…these are the things for which you should be on suicide watch in a cell with paper sheets as you await your execution. You have the right to remain silent. Exercise it.
The guilty are the most arrogant and condescending. Look at Hillary, Kamala, Joe, all democrats.
MissInMi JUNE 10, 2021 AT 7:53 AM
“I’m going back to read Roman history.”
…although as far as Roman torments go, there were variants of crucifixion other than the one generally depicted of Christ’s posture, although that one was usually best for maximumizing how long the victim could live while at the same time causing fluid buildup in the lungs and other reasons to struggle fruitlessly along with the other sequelae described in the video I attached above, so it was a gift of God that His Son died as quickly as he did, to the great surprise of the Romans themselves.
But crucifixion did not begin with our Lord, and did not stop afterwards. One of the more famous variants was where Peter was crucified upside-down when he told his executioner he wasn’t worthy to die like our Lord, so that’s how they accomodated him. It was probably MUCH more painful, but he also likely died quickly because the body doesn’t function very well in that posture, and probably didn’t for very long.
Other variants are documented by Flavius Josephus in one of his master works, “The Jewish Wars”. In Book 6, he documents on how the Romans were upset by continuing Jewish resistance inside Jesusalem c.70 AD, and says it thus;
“When caught [by the Romans] they [the fugitives] were forced to offer resistance, and when the fighting ended it seemed too late to sue for mercy. Scourged and subjected before death to every torture, they were finally crucified in view of the wall [of Jerusalem]. Titus indeed realized the horror of what was happening, for every day 500—sometimes even more—fell into his hands. However it was not safe to let men captured by force go free, and to guard such a host of prisoners would tie up a great proportion of his troops. But his chief reason for not stopping the slaughter was the hope that the sight of it would perhaps induce the Jews to surrender in order to avoid the same fate. The soldiers themselves through rage and bitterness nailed up their victims in various attitudes [or postures] as a grim joke, till owing to the vast numbers there was no room for the crosses, and no crosses for the bodies”
-Flavius Josephus, “The Jewish Wars”, Book 6
..so there’s lots of options.
…but they kind of depend on Democrats not being in control.
…and I don’t think they’ll go WILLINGLY, because once that disgusting little Orc is subject to any punishment, he’ll break their mutual omerta and start revealing THEIR role in it, so for this to ever happen as long as they are in full control of the ballot boxes will require, uh, “Diplomacy By OTHER Means”…
How does he feel about people wanting to put him in the electric chair? 🤔
Set on, “SLOW sizzle.” 😡
There’s always Vlad the Impaler technique as well
Did you write for “Dexter”….?
Lock the little shit in a secret subterranean cell.
Make him the only one to watch his life end. It would be the most tortuously painful death for that evil narcissist.
JUNE 10, 2021 AT 10:47 AM
Did you write for “Dexter”….?”
…I’m aware of it and it’s theme, but never watched a single episode. I get my info from actual human history, which is ALWAYS more bizarre than even Hollywood can dream of.
Like the guy above about Vlad the Impaler.
Sure, everyone knows that he impaled dudes with stakes up their bum that scared off an entire Muslim army, but for fans of death struggles, in terms of individual torture, it only lasted until the (respiratory) diaphragm was penetrated.
After that, the body was just another scarecrow.
So in terms of using it as torture in modern days, you would be better served to visit it on one or more of the female Democrats that have earned a screamingly painful exit from this world, as the uterus is a much tougher organ than the rectum, and so the “living” part of the impalement will last MUCH longer…
He may as well enjoy it while he can. Hell is total blackness and individual suffering for eternity.
Who said anything about jail? Putting people in jail costs money, and as far as I’m concerned, Fauci’s life isn’t worth a plugged nickel. Sorry if that sounds a bit harsh, but I’m not paying for that sanctimonious sawed-off lying piece of shit to rot in prison.
I like the way you think.
JUNE 10, 2021 AT 1:46 PM
I like the way you think.”
…probably not a good thing but, seeing what modern psychiatry has become, there’s no help to be had from THAT quarter and we’re still the sane ones by comparison…
Jesus will slap that smirk off his face.
Meanwhile, hearts being affected by experimental “vaccine”
You can bet that the syringe Tony-the-Worm got jabbed with on TV was not a vaccine. B-12. Saline. TV Prop.
Later, when asked how he felt, he replied, “My arm is a little sore.” Patting the opposite arm. Sawed-off sh!thead.
…..Fauci wasn’t “following the science” – he was instrumental in a big way at the inception of the virus. His actions since haven’t been about following but steering the narrative to save his own skin. MILLIONS HAVE DIED!
Whether this crackpot has science on his side or not he is a bureaucrat and he will be protected by the same system which installed him.