Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science – IOTW Report

Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science


Before getting to this soundbite, a note for those who travel the deep weeds.  Notice how whenever Fauci is answering questions on COVID subjects that are positive to his worldview, he uses the phrase “we“, including himself in the conduct of health officials.  However, whenever Fauci is answering questions that are critical of health officials, he uses the phrase “they“, to distance his role in the decision-making.  This is a key ¹*tell* in any conversation with leadership and/or teambuilders.

In this soundbite [full interview here and below], Anthony Fauci notes the CDC guidance on quarantine exit is likely to change, specifically because the feedback from media has been critical.  The media have been struggling to support the fear narrative, and the CDC changes are not helping them.  As a result, Fauci says the CDC quarantine guidance will change.  Not very science-y, huh?  WATCH: 

28 Comments on Fauci Says CDC Quarantine Guidance Will Change Tomorrow After Feedback from Media, Not Science

  1. Your kidding.
    Most likely he will increase quarantine time which is funny considering Canuckistan just decided to go from 10 days to 5 days after following the CDC.

    Good to know that CNN & MSNBC are also Governing Canuckistan.

  2. How many bioweapon fraud opportunities has the left missed out on before they saw the light of the COVID boogeyman?

    We the healthy must have indestructible immune systems by now.

  3. “Media, not science”. Little dude looks pretty flexible. I bet he can suck his own dick. Because that’s what he’s been doing since the git.
    I read an article today about how we save America at the State Level. Good Article. (I will no longer link here because people are to lazy to read the link). However I actually think its at the county level.

  4. Brad,

    The Chick Filet in Downtown Toronto is VERY Busy.
    I never knew about 2a & Panera, but we don’t have 2a.
    We have bend over 24/7 & charges for defending yourself.


  5. I’m missing something here. You linked to an article on another thred then here you said you wont cuz no one followed them. I wondered what happened to change your mind.

  6. Lionel Sanford

    Quite honestly, after hearing the fat old bitches talking about what an asshole Trump is today, and Charlie thinking I demand a comment from his dumb ass personally every time I link something, I’m really feeling like this place ain’t my crowd. It’s crystal clear to me why so called conservatives are getting their asses kicked. They’re fucking stupid. I don’t fit under that description.
    Don’t forget to vote for Cheney.

  7. Brad

    You’re like Antonio Brown from the Tampa Bay Buc’s. He took his uniform off and quit the team halfway through the game.

    Did he do it for reasons known to anyone?. No, he did it because he needs some mental help. You need some mental help Brad. Quit ignoring those that are telling you that.

  8. I read the article but just can’t bring myself to watch and listen to Stuffinopolous.
    We all know Fauci is about the thrill of being a powerful unelected bureaucrat and scoince has nothing to do with his motives.
    Bunch of frauds.

  9. Wow, tension! A lot people are pissed off too, best to take a step back & cool off. Everyone is not your enemy even though it feels like that sometimes. Anger about a situation does not help & there goes your blood pressure thru the roof.


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