Fauci Says Covid-19 May Never Go Away – IOTW Report

Fauci Says Covid-19 May Never Go Away


Driving the news: “We are living, right now, through a historic pandemic outbreak. And, we are, right now, in a situation where we do not see any particular end in sight,” Fauci told a panel hosted by the not-for-profit TB Alliance.

“It’s the perfect storm,” Fauci says. We often talk about outbreaks and pandemics, be they influenza or other pathogens, that have to have a few characteristics that make them particularly formidable. Well, this particular virus has that.”

  • For a public health official, this is “almost your worst nightmare,” Fauci adds.
  • He points out that SARS-CoV-2 jumps species, is a new pathogen with no known innate human immunity, and is a respiratory-borne virus that is “spectacularly efficient” at spreading from human to human and has a “substantial degree of morbidity and mortality, particularly in certain populations of people.”

Plus, “the spectrum of involvement with the same pathogen is very unique,” Fauci says.

  • “I’ve never seen an infection in which you have such a broad range — of literally nothing, namely no symptoms at all, in a substantial proportion of the population; to some who get ill with minor symptoms; to some who get ill enough to be in bed for weeks and have post-viral syndromes; [to] others [who] get hospitalized, require oxygen, intensive care, ventilation and death.”
  • From what doctors can tell right now, Fauci says the pathogenesis of the disease indicates “you want to block the virus and keep the immune systems intact early on. But, you want to block inflammation later on, because that assumes a much greater role.”

Fauci says he’s “cautiously optimistic” a good vaccine will be available soon.

  • “I don’t really see us eradicating it. I think with a combination of good public health measures, a degree of global herd immunity, and a good vaccine … I think we’ll get very good control of this. Whether it’s this year or next year, I’m not certain,” Fauci says.


ht/ fdr in hell

I think we can all agree with Fauci that this is an odd virus, with the impact from person to person being vastly different.

38 Comments on Fauci Says Covid-19 May Never Go Away

  1. Viruses don’t go away. They get weaker with herd immunity.
    There is a new strain of flu every year.
    The cold virus is around all the time.
    So, Dr. Fauci, Duh.

  2. Fauci is NOT a doctor, he sees no patients.
    He is BUREAUCRAT. And a shitweasel one at that.

    If he were a doctor, he would’ve been sued out of practice long ago, for all the bad calls, shit advice he’s given.

    The virus is here to stay; Fauci should be buried alive in an unmarked grave, the lying, self-important runt!

  3. Was it MJA who called him a “circus peanut with glasses?” Anyway, this circus peanut with glasses craves the spotlight and if COVID goes away, so does he.

  4. The Donald needs to do much better when picking the hired help. Please, Mr. President have a Dan Bongino type conservative, trained investigator go over these picks for you to avoid these Luzers.

  5. The only way Covid19 will all go away is if we elect Joe.

    Then the PCR tests that they are using, will be used at the recommended amplification. So, right now they are amplifying those samples >100x, which makes pretty much everyone that takes the test ‘positive’. The recommended amplification is <45x. In Canada… they say <35x.

    See how it works? A good test for this would be to share known 'positive' and 'negative' samples with another Country, and then let them do their PCR test… see what the results are. Then expose these evil jerks.

  6. “…others [who] get hospitalized, require oxygen, intensive care, ventilation and death.”

    …others who require DEATH?

    …an odd phrase…just WHOSE deaths does he think are “required”?

  7. MJA JULY 23, 2020 AT 3:14 PM

    “Same guy who swore that you can catch Aids by coughing on someone, even after they waved studies in his face telling him he was wrong”

    …funny thing, that…I was running folks to hospitals when AIDS was still a relatively new and poorly understood disease…then, as now, they gave it Superflu characteristics, claiming all sorts of easy transmission was possible…difference was, the hospitals were staffed by pre-Obama doctors instead of the political wuss variety we have now, so they just invented universal precautions and kept the hospitals and society open…I had some AIDS patients too, some of those opportunistic infections were NOT pretty to look at, or to smell, but we just gloved up and carried on, because that was the JOB…

    …one thing that HASN’T changed…is Fauci.

    Wrong then, wrong NOW.

    …I honestly don’t know why the President puts up with this Hillary sniffer, or continues to inflict him on US, unless he’s smoking ALL the traitors out before the election that they’re doing everything in their power to steal for the Democrats…


  8. The Little Runt says anything, science or data backups aren’t required. Sad that the President is under his spell. A facemask is as effective against Covid 19, as wearing a rubber to prevent the disease..

  9. I think now is the time that this virus could be let go doing the usual thanking him for his service etc. The President could say that his latest remarks on the virus covid being here forever illustrates the need for a new a approach/leader in the fight going forward. When the bitching from the left starts then start leaking this guys mistakes, lies and ties to foreign governments.

  10. Somebody let Fauci know it’s already over CDC States that the death rate has been going down now for 12 weeks and we’ve reached epidemic not pandemic levels ….

  11. Fauci is the fear monger in chief. Miss Kitty I’m a former sailor, believe me I know every cuss word known to man. It’s hard for me to not to channel my inner sailor around him or our idiot governor Jay Inslee in Washington state. All the fearmongers and the Chicken Littles just need to STFU, thank you.

  12. He is correct. If it does not go away, it will mutate. He did predict this would happen a few years ago as we now know. Ha ha. Iow, AIDS/HIV does still exist as a virus in the world, and covid is the new AIDS/HIV. Watch it happen. Make sure you check your fear at the door on the way in and out. Look up Judy Mitovitz.


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