Fauci sets record straight on president’s virus mitigation- reporter suggests he is being forced to make statement – IOTW Report

Fauci sets record straight on president’s virus mitigation- reporter suggests he is being forced to make statement

This will be a first for me on this blog. Forgive me for whoever is offended.

Listen to this cunt, Paula Reid, of CBS –

Fauci’s look could have killed her, if looks could kill.

The media is too far gone. If it were not for alternative news this country would be lost to these maniacs.

18 Comments on Fauci sets record straight on president’s virus mitigation- reporter suggests he is being forced to make statement

  1. They are just trying to divide and cause distrust and discontent of the team members working for our benefit. I at times would just like to be able to stand them up and slap the shitt out of them!

  2. No harm, no foul, Fur. I was dumbstruck when she asked him that question. Couldn’t believe it. Then there was that other ______ who looked like she wanted to provoke Trump into jumping from the podium and tackling her. I would have.

  3. And, for my money, she wasn’t suggesting at all — she was calling Fauci a coward and the president a thug and a liar; three things about which the WH press pool know of themselves exceedingly well.

  4. Fauci has gotten himself caught in a Comey Trap. He thought he could please the media, school the President and take charge of the crisis. Now he’s in over his head. and he doesn’t understand why the excitable journos and pols have all of these expectations. He’d better work with his boss and stop playing footsie with the journos. They can’t fire his ass.

  5. I watched every minute of this yesterday. The hatred and disrespect coming from the 5th Column sitting in the audience is mindblowing. That tweet of Trump’s containing #FireFauci really put a scare into the little doctor — as only the way a bucket of ice water could do.

  6. The “#FireFauci” tweet, IMHO, was the equivalent of telling Comey “better hope there are no tapes”; get your act together and talk like a normal human being for once and stop playing games or your head will be next on the chopping block.

  7. “The media is too far gone. If it were not for alternative news this country would be lost to these maniacs.”

    Point taken, but death by murder is no better than death by suicide.

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