Fauci’s NIAID Funded AIDS Study of Transgender Monkeys – IOTW Report

Fauci’s NIAID Funded AIDS Study of Transgender Monkeys

Washington Examiner

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases paid researchers more than $200,000 in order to study HIV rates in transgender women by injecting monkeys with hormones.

Overseen by Dr. Anthony Fauci since 1984, the NIAID provided the Scripps Research Institute with $205,562 in funding to examine why transgender women have high rates of HIV, the Washington Free Beacon reported. In order to do this, monkeys were injected with female hormones. More

Tucker interviewed the head of PETA last night on this cruel story. Here

10 Comments on Fauci’s NIAID Funded AIDS Study of Transgender Monkeys

  1. “Freaks freakin’. What could be wrong?”

    Fear not! loyal citizens. The Priestexes of STEM will save us!

    (With the prayers and titles they got from the, exact same, vending machines that anoint the Priestexes of Wymyns’ Studies. Paid for from the, exact same, collection box.)

  2. No such thing as “transgender” – monkey or human.
    Fauxi was stealing tax dollars pretending to study something while, in fact, studying nothing.

    Pretty typical of what passes for “science” in these times of boundless ignorance and superstition. This is the sort of bullshit which keeps our colleges and universities fat and entrenched in pseudo-science, nonsense, and outright falsehood. (remember the scrimp on the treadmill?)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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