Fauxcahontas Says She Is Not Running For President – IOTW Report

Fauxcahontas Says She Is Not Running For President

DC: Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren revealed that she will not be running for president come 2020 in an interview with Intercept.

“I am not running for president,” Warren said three different times during the interview that was released on Friday.

On Mehid Hasan’s podcast, Warren stated, “We’ve got to stay focused” on the 2018 midterm election as the Democrats try to win back the majority in the House and Senate.

Warren has been a hot name thrown around as a potential Democratic nominee to go up against President Trump in 2020. Warren’s decision not to run could add even more turmoil to the Democratic Party, seeing as they do not have a clear nominee.  more here

32 Comments on Fauxcahontas Says She Is Not Running For President

  1. Is there anyway that we can start a movement to draft this daffy, fake everything to run for President? Does this mean that the other crazy Senator from California is going to lead the Democrats to an ignominious defeat? One is as good as the other for crashing out at the next election. Can’t wait.

  2. This could be sad news. The demonrats might actually run someone who is more of a challenge to beat. Yeah, it’s a long shot. But somehow Obumbles was elected twice and it wasn’t just due to the GOP running total duds.

  3. Oh, haven’t you heard? Hillary is going to run again.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA * HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *gasp* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahaha *wipes tears* hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha *falls off chair* hahahaha … owe

  4. I am so disappointed. I was really looking forward months, even years, of great jokes and hilarious memes mocking that clown.

    But then, the Democrats have an endless supply of clowns so maybe it will not be so bad.

  5. Warren was counting on the Superdelegates, but it looks like the rank and file Dems are going to get rid of them, or at least neuter them. No point in running if you can’t rig. Biden will probably opt out soon, too, as will any other establishment Dem who was counting on Superdelegates. The Dem primary is going to be a radical leftist free-for-all.

  6. And people are surprised by this?

    Reminds me of 2004, when everyone and their brother was CONVINCED Hillary was going to run against GW.

    I knew it would never happen – she wasn’t going to pit herself against a sitting President. She’d have been creamed, and she knew it.

    This is more of the same. Fauxcahantas won’t run against a clear winner. Liberals always run from any fight that isn’t fixed in their favor.

  7. rickn8or: I’m from California and I think the nasty Kamala Harris will run. She is relatively unknown so that is what she is banking on. She would still get her clock cleaned though, but she is so arrogant and power hungry she would take the nomination.


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