FB blocked article exposing Bernie Sanders as hardcore Marxist – IOTW Report

FB blocked article exposing Bernie Sanders as hardcore Marxist

LibertyUnyielding: No sooner had author and speaker Trevor Loudon released a video exposing the radical ties of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders Wednesday in anticipation of Loudon’s upcoming political documentary than media giant Facebook blocked a news article I had written discussing Sanders’s undeniable Marxist associations.


Loudon is working with Iowa-based director Judd Saul on the film “The Enemies Within,” which seeks to expose anti-American ties in the federal government. Loudon believes that a minority of radicals are responsible for unconstitutional and damaging policies that have been imposed on Americans for decades, a trend that has greatly accelerated under the Obama administration.

Here is the video released by Loudon:

7 Comments on FB blocked article exposing Bernie Sanders as hardcore Marxist

  1. sounds just like how, 8 years ago, they covered up the questionable life of a pole smoking, unaccomplished, dog eating. domestic terrorist befriending, Illinois junior Senator who had strong Marxist tendencies

  2. Even Al Capone wasn’t as hardcore as Bernardo.

    Capone was even less strident when he said, “You can get more with a kind word and a gun, than you can with just a kind word!”

    Bernie? He just MAAAAAD!

  3. Socialist
    National Socialist
    Soviet Socialist
    Democratic Socialist
    Social Democrat
    Christian Democrat

    All different branches of the same Tree.
    (may have missed some)

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