FBI Arrest Michigan Republican Gubernatorial Candidate on January 6th misdemeanor Charges – IOTW Report

FBI Arrest Michigan Republican Gubernatorial Candidate on January 6th misdemeanor Charges


 Ryan Kelley, a Republican candidate for Michigan governor, has been arrested by the FBI, the FBI confirmed to 13 ON YOUR SIDE Thursday. 

Documents from a U.S. attorney say Kelley, 40, was taken into custody for misdemeanor charges in connection to the Capitol breach on Jan. 6, 2021. More

9 Comments on FBI Arrest Michigan Republican Gubernatorial Candidate on January 6th misdemeanor Charges

  1. 21 years ago when GWB made the Stalinist Mueller the head I said Mueller would do 2 things:

    1. Turn FBI into a tool for “our bettors” to keep us intimidated and under Bush’s thumb.

    2. Purge all aqents who are aqainst the “kinder gentler” Bush doctrine.

    Mueller did both!


    Hannaty has his head up his ___!

    See ladies I can talk nice.

  2. Remind me again, which emanation of what penumbra of the U.S. Constitution says that the national government is allowed to operate a police force, (e.g. the Capitol PoPo, FBI PoPo, or any of the agency PoPoz that have MOAR weapons than nearly any foreign military?)

    Tenth Amendment the,

  3. Wait a minute…you mean he wasn’t charged with insurrection?

    With the Biden administration, there is no longer any pretense of “rule of law”. The gloves are off.

  4. Tony R
    The gloves may be off, but we have two light weight weaklings in our corner, Mitch McCONnell and Kevin McCarthy.
    Neither have the intestinal fortitude or the testicles to lead, let alone fight.


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