The threat of cyberattack is never far away, be that by Amazon ransomware actors with an impossible-to-recover-from threat, or Windows zero-day exploits and even the hacking of the iPhone USB-C port. Luckily, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is also never far away when it comes to warnings about such attacks and hacker threats. But eyebrows will surely be raised just a little as the FBI and Department of Justice have confirmed that thousands of U.S. computers and networks were accessed to remove malware files remotely. Here’s what you need to know. more
13 Comments on FBI Confirms It Deleted Files From 4,258 U.S.-Based Computers
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Deleted or confiscated?
what did u ****** install as replacements?
Sounds like 4258 FBI agents need to be deleted.
Well it was “court authorized” so there’s that. Was it the most honest FISA court?
Just the usual destruction of evidence by the usual criminals.
“The FBI tested the commands, confirmed their effectiveness, and determined that they did not otherwise impact the legitimate functions of, or collect content information from, infected computers,”
…even if I believed they were being honest and not actively trying to destroy this country (which they ARE), they simply can NOT know enough about my systems, how they are configured, what third party software they interact with, and things Ive had to do to run legacy software and hardware products on modern systems to even BEGIN to know if they “interfered with the legitimate functions of” my computers.
And many of my systems affect REAL WORLD outputs, things like robot commamds, high pressure steam valves, and pressurized superheated process vessels with highly regulated data logging features that may not take kindly to restarts or reconfigurations of the software on the fly, and require a strict testing regemen to ensure they wont kill anyone either directly by blowing a vessel up on its operator, or indirectly by making bad food that can poison someone. We also have strict rules about confirming data integrety in our compliance recording that makes casual,on-the-fly changes possible violations of the United States Code. We dont even let our OWN IT people manage these systems as they are not primarily information management systems and as tool computers are deliberately NOT given “Updates” if they are doing what they are SUPPOSED to do, since updates can be desrtuctive to 3rd party comms and are COMPLETELY without benefit for syatems purpose-built to do ONE thing as long as they continue to do it correctly. IT people do not understand this because they are not trained to this, nor do they know the regulatory or real-world interfaces so even people trained and experienced at high levels on INFORMATION systems cannot properly manage INDUSTRIAL systems.
…stuff like this HERE is why my mission-critical systems have an “Air Gap” firewall, with no physical or wireless connections to the outside world. Some of that crap is so old its running Win2000 and IE4 so it couldnt do Internet things anyway. Many other companies likely do the same.
Besides that, my collected data is PROPRIETARY and contains trsde secrets. do you REALLY think all FBIs are honest and wont sell information they come across that may be valuable? REALLY???
…and all that aside, nothing on MY computer is ANY of their damn business. I would not tolerate a random guy running in my house because he wants to see if some other random guy hid a joint in my nightstand, so Im not going to tolerate it HERE, either.
Plus, as Anon says above, if they can delete, they can ADD.
Perfect opportunity to put some of Pedo Joe’s child porn collection on the computers of people they want to destroy, nicht wahr? Like they tried to do to Sharyl Attkisson a few years back when SHE was making Communists uncomfortable…
…So no, the FBI is NOT an honest actor, NOT a White Knight, is NOT trustworthy or even legitimate at this point, if they EVER were.
Fibbies who hack need the same criminal and civil penalties as a civilian would get for hacking, plus more since they were violating CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to do it.
The whole agency is simply a Stasi at this point and needs to be evicerated and ended before it can do any more harm.
Destruction of Evidence is a Felony.
court-authorized? meaning some useless robe-****** like merchan-dise?
What and whose computers, where? Government or private? “Computers” — or networks with many computers? Did they notify the “victims” and solicit their assistance?
Sounds really sketchy.
And… what did they do about companies that maintain off-line backup systems?
If the FBI confirms it that means that the FBI leaked it and that means that the FBI has a reason to confirm that it leaked it.
Anyone belive these traitors’ bullshit?
Sounds like it’s time to flush the FBI. Which has become the FIB~~~
Just getting rid of the evidence before it can be used against them…