FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her – IOTW Report

FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her

DailyCaller: Department of State security officers found then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton so unpleasant they refused to work on her security detail, a former agent claims in newly-released FBI documents.

The FBI Monday released 100 pages of documents relating to its investigation of Clinton’s private email server. The documents incorporate summaries of several interviews the FBI conducted, including one with a woman who served as an agent with the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) during Clinton’s time as secretary of state.

During her interview, the agent said Clinton treated agents rudely and with contempt, and was so unpleasant that senior agents typically avoided being on her security detail.

“[Redacted] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” the interview summary says. “Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents.  MORE

11 Comments on FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her

  1. Everyone knows she’s a mean old hag. Even her supporters know it, but those people like toxic harridans. Just look at the nasty crones they keep electing: Pelosi, Boxer, Waters, etc.

  2. God bless any agent unfortunate enough to be assigned to her detail. Her toxic persona is bad enough. But now, should any harm come to Hillary, the elite will question how diligently the agents around her tried to prevent it.

    Do everything you can, America, to keep her out of the White House: if not for yourselves, your family and your country, then do it for the brave Secret Service agents.

  3. Lazlo met a guy who worked with the Secret Service. Had dinner with him and my Cop friend. It was back in ought 8.
    He was a site prep guy, whatever that means.
    Anyway, although he was careful not to say anything outright, but I got the distinct impression that he could not stand to be near Hilary.
    He said he never worked her detail because he never got in trouble, and never needed to be punished.
    He said he worked for the Bush’s, and that one had to earn the spot with them because they were nice, decent people and were actually grateful for their presence.
    So, protecting Hilary is a punishment detail reserved for screw ups.
    Personally I hope she has a long life doing something other than being President.
    Then when she does expire from whatever natural causes, I hope she does it in a room full of Cats, and goes undiscovered for days.

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