FBI: Fat, Bitchy, Idiots – IOTW Report

FBI: Fat, Bitchy, Idiots

Independent Sentinel

Christopher Wray is accused of destroying the FBI from within with DEI hiring. According to a new report by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts given to the House Judiciary Committee, new agents are not only fat and unfit, but some are illiterate and don’t want to work extra hours.

Well, at least we know where to cut. We could cut 40% of these agencies and not miss them. More

16 Comments on FBI: Fat, Bitchy, Idiots

  1. Hey FBI
    Investigate THIS

    They say Dual Citizens Shipped Drones that were used to kill American Citizens and those guys were active duty military and patriots too.

    Hey FBI, do something about those dual citizens in public offices.

    We are begging.

  2. In the 80s I applied to be an FBI SA. This is not a lie or exaggeration. On the green board there the proctor listed the passing scores for White males and female and Black applicants. White males needed a higher score to pass the exam. Of course, female and black applicants required a lesser passing score. Needless to say, I did not pass as a White male…but I would have passed if I were a female or Black candidate. I remember writing a letter of protest to the FBI and even copied Dick Thornburgh, then head of DOJ. Never got a response from anyone. This crap has been going on for years but I do believe it is worse now. BTW, I never regretted not being hired by the FBI. I had a rewarding career elsewhere

  3. “Christopher Wray is accused of destroying the FBI from within with DEI hiring.”

    Yes, but we have to pay their salaries, get our heads cracked open for being patriots, and now they are building a grand new spectacular building for the idiots with us paying the bill.

  4. @stop2think

    Same for Los Angeles County Fire and US Postal Service in the 70’s. God gave me a career that I absolutely loved-being a locomotive engineer and I finished with 39 years service.

  5. I laugh that thie dickhead is just now warning us of impending domestic terrorist attacks when they been furiously working to develop the chaos, mayhem and bedlam that’s about to errupt for three years… or more! Shitbag Mutherfker!

  6. One of my son’s is a fluffer in the gay porn industry. Another sucks cock through a glory hole at the Greyhound bus station for drug money. Hey, at least they didn’t become FBI agents.


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