FBI released its internal records on Christopher Steele- With lots of redactions, of course – IOTW Report

FBI released its internal records on Christopher Steele- With lots of redactions, of course

DC: The FBI released its internal records on Christopher Steele, the former British spy behind the controversial “Russia dossier.”

One problem: Nearly every page has been redacted.

The total records, made public Friday, span 71 pages and contains various documents showing payments to Steele, who is referred to as a “Confidential Human Source,” over an unlisted period of time.

While most of the documents are nearly completely redacted, they do show that in February 2016 the FBI had “admonished” Steele.

“Verbally admonished the [Confidential Human Source] CHS with CHS admonishments, which the CHS fully acknowledged, signed and dated,” the document reads.  more

3 Comments on FBI released its internal records on Christopher Steele- With lots of redactions, of course

  1. It’s hard to imagine being more disgusted with our establishment bureaucracy than I am now. I don’t think it’s entirely hopeless but I’m not as hopeful as I would like to be. Fixing this is going to take a monumental effort.


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