FBI Reports That Majority of ‘Religious Bias’ Crimes in US Last Year Were Against Jews – IOTW Report

FBI Reports That Majority of ‘Religious Bias’ Crimes in US Last Year Were Against Jews

Algemeiner: Jews and Jewish institutions were the target of a majority of last year’s religiously motivated crimes in the US, according to an FBIreport released on Monday.

According to the FBI, 58.2 percent of “religious bias” crimes recorded in 2014 were against Jews and Jewish institutions.

The 2014 FBI Hate Crime Statistics Act (HCSA) stated that hate crimes motivated by religious bias accounted for 1,092 offenses reported by law enforcement officials last year. The majority was anti-Jewish, followed by 16.3% anti-Islamic and 6.1% anti-Catholic.  more here

5 Comments on FBI Reports That Majority of ‘Religious Bias’ Crimes in US Last Year Were Against Jews

  1. Jews and Jewish institutions were the target of a majority of last year’s religiously motivated crimes in the US…

    Could that be because the same offenses when committed against Christians are not recognized and reported as crimes?

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