FBI Used FISA Carve Out to Surveil US Citizens Over 275,000 Times – IOTW Report

FBI Used FISA Carve Out to Surveil US Citizens Over 275,000 Times

Red State

The FBI has a surveillance tool that it can use to deal with foreign intelligence questions. The tool is supposed to be used to target foreign actors, not Americans, and you are supposed to have an evidentiary basis for using it.

According to a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order that came down in April 2022, but was released with redactions on Friday, the FBI misused that database more than 278,000 times. The order was released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. More

16 Comments on FBI Used FISA Carve Out to Surveil US Citizens Over 275,000 Times

  1. Everyone who knew about this, right down to the janitors and did not report it should be terminated and lose any and all pension they have accumulated.

  2. Ya don’t say?

    Nick Alphabet Cage

    Actually this dirty Alphabet trick is used so the CIA can use Department of Just Us, Federal Bitch Interrogaters/Homeland Stasi Assholes/National Spy Aggregators to surveil American Citizens.

    They simply attach a “foreign” influence scheme to a “suspect” and that grants them permission to collect intelligence on everyone “associated” with the “target” and then down to everyone associated with the associates.

    See how that works? Just ask Carter Page, Roger Stone, abd Paul Mantafort, and all their friends and relatives down to 3rd Cousins twice removed. But little Humper, Hillezelbub, the Pedo, and all of Epsteins clients are protected from any scrutiny.

    Pretty soon they have a CIA dragnet on every US citizen except the illegal ones and the Uniparty elite of course.

    Believe this, every citizen in America has a dossier. Those of us unapologetic Patriotic types have our phones, email, and every aspect of where we go and what we say surveilled.

    As they say in the WWE, “You can believe that”

    Oh and fuck you Merrick Gasbag and all your traitorous horses to…

  3. I was roundly criticized here for remaining anonymous several years ago. At the time, I pointed out our Founders debated the liberties we now have(had?) anonymously in the newspapers of their day.
    All I can say in light of these revelations is ‘I told you so’.

  4. Tim – FJB
    AT 5:25 AM
    -What is to be done?-

    We told you how to handle it. Wrote it down, even led by example.

    Now its up to YOU to do what WE did.

  5. Dr. Hambone
    AT 11:33 AM
    “I think the FBI sucks and I want them to know that I do.”

    We know. We have it all recorded. You will be dealt with appropriately when the time comes. Don’t make any long-term plans like that vacation you were booking this summer because you may not be free to take it and your family may need the money after we seize your other assets.

  6. ^^^^ Anonymous AT 7:32 AM….people here show their disdain by not liking anonymous posts no matter how truthful, intelligent or informative they may be. All while liking the inane posts of their buddies. It’s a club and we ain’t in it. Quit caring a long time ago.

  7. Anonymous, you just like to think you are Anonymous. I was a Fed Contractor, you are not Anonymous by any means, especially on this site. A VPN is useless as well, so you may as well give yourself a tag. The only true Anonymous on IOTW are the fag feds that post as “Anonymous” to stir shit up. You are not a fed fag are you?

  8. Just so you IOTW critters know, merely posting to this site elevates you on the fed radar. Your gubmit vacuums up every call, photo, text, email, blog post, and transmission from every electronic device you own.

    Get far enough up the surveillance hierarchy and they use your homes smart devices, including your thermostat.

    They know every penny of every transaction you make and have in the bank. Nothing is sacred to these spying bastards, nothing.

    There is no such thing as anonymity/privacy is our society unless you are completely off grid using low tech or you are off grid in a bunker.

    Think of every paranoid fantasy you have seen in the movies or online, it’s all true. Here is a tidbit, us old cranky crusty vets are monitored but generally left alone as the current plan is to let us just die off. It more cost effective and far less dangerous than confrontation. So unless you entrap yourself in some kind of violent or “insurrection” babble/action you are mostly likely not worth their while.

    Be very careful of anyone espousing violence or insurrection on this site as the Alphabets are trying to entrap you into saying something that allows increased surveillance of you.

  9. In that case Cisco, let me say that I myself actually appreciate the FBI and all that they do.

    Come at me bro!!!

  10. Bob M. AT 6:50 AM
    I’m betting all us regulars HERE are being watched!

    I am not a regular. I have never been a regular. I do not know or associate with any regulars. I will not ever be a regular.

    What’s a regular? Is it like what happens after my morning cofefe?

    SASS gave me a Regulator Badge. Is it like that?
    Yeah, proof positive they screwed up…

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