FD-1023 Exposes More Biden Bribery Dirt — And Teases Damning Evidence To Come – IOTW Report

FD-1023 Exposes More Biden Bribery Dirt — And Teases Damning Evidence To Come

The Federalist: Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, just released a minimally redacted copy of the FBI’s FD-1023 detailing a confidential human source’s reporting of a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and the Ukrainian business Burisma. According to the FD-1023 summary, Burisma’s owner specifically referenced the firing of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin — the same man Biden bragged about Ukraine firing after his threat to withhold aid from the country while he was vice president.

After months of pushing the Justice Department and FBI to explain what investigative procedures they had undertaken in response to evidence implicating then-Vice President Biden in a criminal bribery scheme, Grassley released the unclassified copy of the FD-1023, which documented claims made by the “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS). Grassley had acquired the FD-1023 via legally protected disclosures by Justice Department whistleblowers.

While some of the information included in the FD-1023 has already been revealed by members of the House who previously reviewed the summary of the CHS’s reporting, the public release provides new explosive details related to the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin.  more

7 Comments on FD-1023 Exposes More Biden Bribery Dirt — And Teases Damning Evidence To Come

  1. And not a GD thing will be done about it. I am so sick of this two-tiered justice system that sends people to prison for walking in front of the capital on Jan 6. But let’s absolute low-lifes like obama, biden and clinton walk free.
    Is everyone waiting for a bat signal to appear in the sky before anyone does something?
    All the lies we’ve been told through the years: the oath keepers, the kracken, all of this was a plan to expose the deep state. It’s time to face it. We are gone as a country.

  2. The house is investigating and shining a light, but they can’t indict.

    The house can impeach, but the senate has to convict to remove the individual from office.

    Real change has to come from the voters, but then there is the election fraud…

    Pray! Pray! Pray!

  3. Nco77
    “sends people to prison for walking in front of the capital on Jan 6”
    They have to stay in prison, because they are eye witnesses. They would be able to identify the FEDS in the crowd.

    Also f_ck the Bidens, they are just the tip of the corruption in DC.
    Unless they have been chosen as the sacrificial lamb, to make us believe there is progress being made.
    ie’ Weinstein

  4. Exposes? Like MTG showing porno in the house chamber, like the giggly ass douchebag she is. Bet she was dripping wet from being turned on by em.
    Walking in front of the Capital, what are you fucking blind. 🙈
    Tell that story to one of the Trump appointed Judges puttin the Capital insurgents in prison, boy.

  5. There’ve been enough ‘bombshells’ go off over the last ten years to flatten Sodom on the Potomac three times over, yet not a hair on a high level criminal’s head has been put out of place.

    Are they just rubbing our noses in it? Is there a safe word we can use to get them to stop? To paraphrase a line from Blazing Saddles… stop it baby, you’re embarrassing yourself…


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