FDR’s America – IOTW Report

FDR’s America


13 Comments on FDR’s America

  1. And who can forget such propaganda phases like, “Let’s slap the crap out of Mr. Jap.” If we treated the muzzies like we did the Germans and the Japanese in World War 2 the War on terror would be over by now and we would’ve resoundingly won. You can’t appease or pussyfoot with an enemy who wants to kill you unless you want them to win. The libtards have a death wish in this regard, they don’t regard any group but Christians and us deplorables and anyone who disagrees with their evil worldview as the enemy.

  2. Sorry – that shit doesn’t bother me.
    Mickey Rooney never should have apologized for his part in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

    “Don’t start no shit; Won’t be no shit.”

    Africa for Africans.
    Japan for Japanese.
    Asia for Asians.
    Europe for Europeans.
    South America for South Americans.
    Canada for *derp*

    If we need you, we’ll give you a call – otherwise Fuck Off.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Remembering a line out of an old Lenny Bruce routine where the chaplain is preaching to the solders before they go over the side to attack the beaches in the pacific.

    “Now go kill a gook for God!”

  4. I think the photo was from the early 1940’s.

    Also, we should not be so hard on ourselves over it. I have not heard of any “Japs” being murdered or lynched, but it is possible. Maybe their lives were more secure in the camps. The thing that was bad was their loss of property and businesses without compensation, till the reparations payments were made in the 1990’s, I think.

    Also, Canada did the same thing and relocated their Japanese to the interior.

  5. The headlines throughout the war were pretty open about it, with huge headlines like: JAPS SURRENDER.

    The so-called racism is partly a myth. Americans were completely shocked and angered about the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. The reaction was pretty normal, IMO.

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