Fear and Loathing at the Economist – IOTW Report

Fear and Loathing at the Economist


Former President Donald Trump “poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024,” says the Economist, a leading globalist magazine.

“A shadow looms over the world,” declares the November 16 article, adding that “the prospect of a second Trump term fills the world’s parliaments and boardrooms with despair. But despair is not a plan. It is past time to impose order on anxiety.” More

17 Comments on Fear and Loathing at the Economist

  1. I first noticed the Economist’s left leaning and anti-US tendencies about 15 years ago from reading cast-off copies left around the office.

    The magazine can not resist launching anti-US tirades whenever it got the opportunity to do so. It doesn’t matter if the current President is conservative or liberal. It is a shameful publication, as bad as the NYT or WaPo.

  2. “…“A shadow looms over the world,” declares the November 16 article…”

    “A shadow looms over the New World Order,” declares the November 16 article – FIXED IT – is what they really meant.

  3. I subscribed to The Economist for many years. Aside from the “leaders” (Brit for “editorial”), the global scope, the breadth of topics, and the quality of the journalists was simply outstanding. Better by far than any would-be competitor to the point where they really didn’t have any competition.

    Then roughly 20 years ago it all turned to shit when the editorial left-wingers infected everything else. It’s tragic what they did to such a fine publication. I’m still highly pissed off at them.

    p.s. A very close parallel: the journal Nature, to which I also subscribed and whose management also royally pissed me off at about the same time.

  4. For years I’ve used the London LME for pricing long range quotes. They’ve lost all credibility. They now predict future raw materials on a woke agenda. I no longer use them. They use to be rock solid, now they’re a joke.

  5. “…only losers allow themselves to be bound by the norms, customs and self-sacrifice that make a nation.”

    Hey Rconomist, that’s the Prog credo in a nutshell. Stop projecting it onto Trump.

  6. I guess the Globaloney Warming/Climate Change Hoax is now in second place?

    This’ll probably make President Trump proud!

    (somebody should tell the filthy fukkin ragheads that The Economist has been passing ribald cartoons of Mohamhead to each other though their e-mail accounts)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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